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I Shall Not Want - Week 5 - Study Guide

I Shall Not Want

James 3:18 to 4:6

    1. Read 3:17–18. Pastor Waybright translates v.18, “Fruit pleasing to God is sown in peace by those who make peace.” What do you think this meant in a church experiencing “disorder,” according to 3:16?

    2. James talked in 4:1 about “wars and battles” among them in the church. What kinds of behavior do you envision are happening among his church people?

    3. Read vv.1–3, and then put into your own words what he says about the causes of conflicts.

    4. Why do praying Christians sometimes not receive what they want? What condition of prayer does James speak about? Give examples of prayers that displease God in this way.

    5. The charge of being “adulteresses” in v.4 evokes many memories of the OT (e.g., Hosea & Jer. 2) in which unfaithfulness to God is compared to unfaithfulness in a marriage vow. What sin is described in this verse, and what consequence does it produce?

    6. James constantly calls Christians to establish relationships with people in the world. What then does he mean when he criticizes friendship with the world in contrast to friendship with God?

    7. V.5 is very difficult to translate. Bottom line: James is saying that just as loving spouses jealously hold on to one another, so God jealously loves his people. We may be unfaithful to him, but he keeps coming after us. Have you ever experienced this to be true?

    8. V.6 summarizes the passage. Discuss what it means that “God gives more grace” while at the same time opposes the proud? What is God’s response to pride and to humility?


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