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Lessons on the Way to the Cross: The Shrewd Manager

Luke 16:1‑13

“Using what doesn’t last very long to bring about something that lasts longer.”

Common-Sense Definition of Stewardship, Greg Waybright

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. (Jim Eliot)

I’m going to talk about Christian stewardship today by looking at the teaching of one who gave all he was – his very lifeblood – in order to bring about our salvation. He thought this was good stewardship! It’s a rather amazing thought, isn’t it? And, the teaching we look at takes place as Jesus heads toward a cross where he intentionally and knowingly will make this gift. He tells a story that has forever changed the way God’s people have looked at giving and I pray God will use it in our lives this weekend.

Jesus’ teaching deepened the idea of stewardship that previously been found in the Old Testament. We will see that Jesus will be teaching that good stewardship has to do with a perspective on this world and a whole way of life. In the OT, because it is not natural for human beings since Genesis 3 to recognize all we have really is God's and thus for human beings to live lives of giving generously and sacrificially, rules for giving we're established that directed material giving. Most of us have called those regulations “tithing.” Many think the Israelites gave 10% to God ‑‑ the famous "tithe." But, in reality, much more was required than 10%. In fact, there were three tithes in ancient Israel:

1. Tithe to God ‑‑ In Leviticus 27, 10% is to be set apart to give to God. It was holy to the Lord; it was wholly His. Largely, it supported the priesthood, the Levities, who had no land inheritance given to them by God. In other religions, priests had to be beggars (e.g., Buddhists today). But not the priests of Jehovah.

2. Tithe for spiritual and community life ‑‑ In the Deuteronomy 14, God's people were to give so the work of the temple and synagogue could be done by those set aside for that work. Many practical aspects necessary for the functioning of society seemed to have been included in this revenue though we’re given little detail about it in the OT.

3. Tithe to the poor – Also in Deut. 14, every third year, yet another tithe was to be given to help the orphans, widows, and aliens. (Similar to our Deacon's Offering.)

Things had changed by the time of the NT because the Jewish people were under the control of a foreign government. The Roman tax system seemed to cover much or all of what the second tithe did. But, in the time of Israel’s independence and strength, the total required was not 10% but more like 23%. In Matthew 23:23, Jesus does affirm at least the part of 10% of our income automatically belonging to God.

However, as we know, in the NT, Jesus introduced a much deeper and meaningful approach to giving. He let us know that our motivation to give should be our love of God and our desire to further His work. This is what Jesus addresses in a parable we come to in Luke 16. I find it significant that Jesus teaches us about giving as he goes to the cross to give his physical life to bring about our eternal salvation. . The story we study has often been thought of as a rather strange parable. Most seem to ignore it. But when we remember that Jesus is teaching about giving on the way to the cross, then the key to this story is opened up a bit. From that parable, we can get an overview of the Bible's perspective on all the resources of this world ‑‑ be they time, talents, or money.

Overarching Message: For a Christian, faithful and sacrificial giving is to be a way of life patterned after the life of Jesus. Christian giving flows directly from the “greatest commandment,” i.e., our love for God.

As Paul said in his stewardship instructions in 2 Corinthians 8:9, For you know the gracious giving of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.

I. The Parable’s Meaning (Luke 16:1‑8a)

As you look at this parable, you see that Jesus tells a story about a rich man and his shrewd manager (through verse 8a). This story then is followed by four points of application. So it is very similar to a modern-day sermon on giving.

The parable itself has often been misunderstood because many make the mistake of saying the rich man represents God and that God here praises the steward for his dishonesty. But that isn't the point at all, as I hope to show you.

It may be that some understanding of commercial and business practices of 1st Century Palestine will help us. Jews were not supposed to take interest from fellow‑Jews when they loaned money so the economic system was very, very different from our own. But many of the Jewish merchants and businessmen weaseled around this by requiring loan payments in commodities such as wheat and oil since “money” was not technically involved in the transaction. The result was that many people believed they could loan out 60 bushels of grain and collect 100 from the borrowers and still feel they were within the letter of the law.

Now, a steward was one who was involved in running the owner's business affairs. He would administrate the transactions and make sure the owner made some profit. For his own compensation, the steward usually tacked on a surcharge as his own commission and thereby sometimes became quite wealthy at the expense of others.

In Jesus' parable, therefore, the steward has been found to be dishonest (according to v. 8) for some reason by the master, and is told to finish his work and clean out his desk. So the man has to make some decisions. If he collects exorbitant interest from the debtors, he will not only be rejected by the master, but also by the people. He would, of course, have the last of the money coming from the surcharge he collected. But that would be it. When that money was gone would then have been on his own: with no friends, no place to sleep, and no people to support him.

On the other hand, if he knocks off some or all of the interest charges, he would have less money for himself but he would have people grateful to him, people who might stand with him when he is out of work. His choice?: to take as much money as he could or to make friends.

His choice is to do the latter. In telling the story, Jesus isn’t pretending this man is honest. No, Jesus wants us to consider a man who has no idea about God’s values. This man has not been made alive to God. The steward only has the ability to make a decision between two temporary things (in his understanding of the world). So, he cannot make a truly informed decision because he has a limited worldview. But, given that limitation, he makes a shrewd decision. The man gives up some money to make friends. In verse 8 the rich man commends him, not because of his dishonesty, but because in this last act this man was right in seeing the relative value of relationships over money.

The Story’s Point:

Any observant person, even the one dead to God, should be able to see that it is wise to use more-temporary resources of this world to strengthen more-lasting resources.

II. The Parable’s Application

  1. 1. Build to Last (16:8b-9)

The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves… (16:8-9).

In v. 8, Jesus gives the most direct application of the parable. Jesus says that even those in darkness, "the people of this world" are wise enough to know that things like grain, oil, and money will not last. At the same time, He indicates that the "people of the light," believers, often live as if we have not even learned this basic truth. When we come to Jesus, we learn immediately about eternal things. We know that this world and its goods won't last. We know that there is an eternal heaven to be gained. Yet, so often, knowing those things, we who are alive to God seem to focus our lives on temporary things.

Jesus is saying, “Look. Even pagans who have no idea about eternal things — and don’t grasp the eternal value of each human being made in God’s image — and who live for themselves, etc. etc. -- sometimes seem to make better decisions than you do as my followers. We miss Jesus’ point if we simply apply the passage in a way that suggests, “Now you go out and do as he did.” Jesus is saying that we might be called on to give our physical lives — or anything else — because of our faith in Christ. But, we know there is no eternal loss!

The Lesson: Good stewardship, for anyone, is using that which doesn’t last long to bring about that which lasts longer. When we follow Jesus, we should be wise enough to live not only for what lasts “longer” but also for what lasts eternally.

Question #1: Am I committed to the intentional use of temporary things for God’s eternal purposes?

  1. 2. Make sure God’s values are your values (16:9)

I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings (16:9).

In Jesus' second point, the striking element is that He calls wealth "unrighteous." (NIV "worldly wealth is literally "unrighteous mammon.") This phrase could mean one of two things:

1) that all wealth is evil, or

2) that there is usually an element of unrighteousness (something that is “bent”) in the wealth of this world.

The second option is unquestionably preferable because in the parable as well as in the command in verse 9, wealth can be used positively. It can even be used, according to Jesus, to "gain friends." However more commonly, wealth becomes the object of our love and takes the place of God (see vv.13‑14). Too often it drives us to give up our Christian priorities such as neglecting our families and friends. It allures us to buy more and more, to spend more and more, and then leaves us financially trapped and empty.

Jesus calls wealth "unrighteous mammon." It’s weighty language. We need to know ourselves -- that we have a tendency to like to build our own kingdoms rather than God's. We tend to consume what has been entrusted to us on our own pleasures rather than investing in eternity.

"Don't let that happen!" Jesus commands. "Use the resources of this world, which are usually unrighteous, for righteous and eternal ends. Use it to make friends who will meet you in heaven." In other words, use your money to reach the lost, to further God’s mission, to care for those who are poor and hurting.

The lesson: Use what is has been entrusted to you to further what is important to God in the world.

Question #2: Do I value spiritual/eternal things more than material/temporary things?

  1. 3. Make Wise Stewardship a Way of Life (16:10‑12)

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much… (16:10ff).

In his third application, Jesus lets us know that giving is not just a one-time decision made out of an emotional response to a sermon or a moment of guilt. Christian stewardship is a way of life. What we do with little will also be done with much. If we have little money or time and use them foolishly, why expect God to give us more? Christian stewardship is a way of life; not a one time exception to our usual way of life. This is why we should teach our children early about giving as Jesus gave. This is why we should begin now to imbed a life of wise stewardship into our decision-making.

The starting point for this is making sure we have a thoroughly biblical view of material things in this world. We saw in Genesis 1-2 that God has made all that is – and that he made us with the ability to care for all of it. But, all material things ultimately belong to God. They are not rights but gifts of grace. God alone is the sovereign owner of all things. Our perspective, therefore, should never be: how much of my resources should I give to God. Instead, a Christian perspective is: how would God have me use the resources He has entrusted to me. This should become our intuitive pattern for living.

In verse 11, Jesus lets us know something that perhaps you find hard to believe; i.e., many of us miss abundant blessings, both spiritually and financially, because of a lack of living as wise stewards. God cannot trust us with more because we handle the little we have so poorly. In verse 12, it becomes clear that all we have ultimately is God's. We are His stewards. Are you wise or foolish in how you use day-by-day your time, treasures and talents?

The Lesson: Good stewardship is no accident. It is a significant part of a way of life committed to God. Question #3: Is wise stewardship my way of life?

  1. 4. Love God More than Anyone/Anything in This World (16:13).

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money (16:13).

Jesus' fourth point helps us understand why wealth can be characterized as unrighteous: it commonly enslaves its possessor and it becomes the god of its possessor's life. In his last application, Jesus goes to the heart of the matter: the first command. Is God first? Do we love God? If God called you today to sell everything to give up possessions to go to the mission field, would you do it? Could you do it? Even if you feel a tug to support some part of God’s work in the church or community, is it your desire to say, “Yes, Lord. If that is what you want, here it is!” Most of us are so bound by our retirement plans, our house payments, and our fiscal responsibilities that, even if we were willing, it would take ages to obey. When that is true, Jesus' words have hit home.

Pastor Jeff Liou made such an insightful point to me last Tuesday as we talked about this text. He said that it is possible that we will read this story and say, “Well, I’m smart enough to use what doesn’t last long to bring about what lasts longer. I invest in my education – or my child’s. That lasts longer. I’m OK.” But that’s not the point. Even the unbeliever should be wise enough to do that! Even an unjust steward should know that! We who know and love God – who are been made alive to God – should invest all we are and have in ways that honor God. Each day. We should wake up saying, “Lord, all I am and have is from you. You gave your all to me and for me. Now, how would you have me spend my time today? How would you have me support your work today? How would you have me show the world your love today?

The Lesson: Wise giving ultimately is a matter of our first love. It is obedience to the first command. Jesus says, “God first or else something else will be your god.”

Question #4: How much do I love God?

Examples from our own family:

#1: Rebuilding young adult ministries at LAC: Last year I asked us to make an investment in Young Adult ministries through our giving to our budget. And, many, many of you gave sacrificially so that we could hire a pastor to focus on this work. Now, this is a work in progress but a recent photo is evidence of something that is already returning on this investment of the material for the eternal.

On Valentines weekend 18 couples from a recently formed Young Married’s class spent three days on retreat with the theme, “blueprints for building your marriage.” Here are just a few highlights that are worth noting:

  • 36 couples have made their way to the class in 5 months.
  • At least 9 different countries of origin are represented in the class.
  • At least 12 mentor couples have spent time with the class teaching and sharing their stories. These mentor-couples also host “Dinner Eights” in their homes.
  • Over 80% of the class is now in a small group in our church.
  • A solid leadership team of 5 couples now shepherds this exciting and diverse community.

“This class is here to stay and will probably produce many of the future Ministry Council and Division leaders for LAC. In many ways this is nothing new to Lake. Most of our strongest Adult communities began as Young Married’s groups 15, 30, even 50+ years ago!” John Secrest


#2: LACF: Curt Gibson wrote me, “Greg, if by asking for an example of wise stewardship, you mean “eternal” in the sense of someone who will experience eternity (as in heaven) because of some material thing we've purchased, I would probably have to talk about the Villa 500 building. I don’t want to give buildings credit for all of the work that happens inside. The eternal work happens because so many give the time and energy to serve in the name of Christ. But, the reality is, if LAC wouldn't have had Villa 500 donated to us by a member of LAC who understands stewardship, there are literally dozens who would not experience eternity with Christ.

#3: Global Outreach: M & E Division chair Bill Spuck wrote me: There are a myriad of examples from the LAC missionary family. One that comes to mind to me is the Nate Waltz family. Carolyn Waltz grew up at Lake and the Waltzes were supported fully by LAC. She met Nate at the World’s Fair in NY, where Wycliffe Bible Translators had a booth. They gave their very gifted lives fully to the Lord and, by the end, they completed two translations of the Bible, and the accompanying dictionaries and teaching materials, and evangelized the two tribes in Colombia that spoke those languages. At one time the Disciples class raised the funds to buy a sawmill for Nate, which he used to build buildings in the jungle for one of the tribes and a house for his family. But that doesn’t complete the story. They also raised a family of two girls and one boy. Those two girls are now LAC missionaries: Analisa Gates and Christie Cummings, both serving in China. Nate passed away from cancer a few years ago. Carolyn now lives in Waxhaw, N.C., where she still edits their translation contributions. Talk about investment and sending our own!

And Scott White adds: Side note: Carolyn continues coaching a tribal literacy team via Skype from her retirement condo at Wycliffe’s N.C. base. Gotta love it when someone adapts to new tools!

I could tell you so much more. But, I want you to know that you too are called to be as wise as the – not unjust stewards – Christ-led stewards. So take time today ‑‑ this week ‑‑ to remember what Jesus taught as he headed toward Jerusalem to willingly give his material life to rescue our eternal souls. Take time to evaluate how you are investing the treasures, time and talents God has given you. They won’t last in and of themselves. But, they can be invested to bring about what lasts. Use worldly wealth to gain friends, to invest in eternity -- to bring glory to God.


For you know the gracious giving of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.

2 Corinthians 8:9

To His Glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor

Greg Waybright • Copyright 2012, Lake Avenue Church