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In last week’s Worship Folder, I wrote about the challenge of the Lent for evangelical Christians. On one side, we know we should take time to focus on the journey Jesus took toward the cross and to learn from it. On the other, we are troubled by the unbiblical rituals and frequent abuses sometimes associated with the season.

As the LAC family is studying the parables Jesus told on his path of suffering, we are learning that we face a far greater challenge than what I wrote about last week. The more difficult part is to hear and obey the clear and counter-cultural way of life to which Jesus calls us in his stories. In the parable of the great banquet in Luke 14:15-28, Jesus called us to examine the humility of our hearts. I identified four measures for us:

Measure 1: The Humility of Patience – to surrender our schedules to God’s and to wait for God’s timing

Measure 2: The Humility of Grace – to be willing to receive a free gift of salvation simply by faith and with no personal acclaim

Measure 3: Humility of Humble Associations – to identify with God’s unexpected family including those marginalized and disrespected by the world’s value systems

Measure 4: Humility of Priority – to put nothing in God’s place

This week we return to hear three related parables in Luke 15. At the end, a father welcomes home a son who was lost – and calls the entire family and community to celebrate. I can imagine that many in the community thought this father was “soft on sin” and overly gracious. And an older brother who had never left home is offended by his father rejoicing over the return of his wayward younger brother. I do understand this older brother. I understand him all too well. But I am praying that my own actions will be more like the father’s than the older brother’s.

I am praying that yours will be too. May God teach us through his Word.

To his glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor