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What in the world do Unitarians do for Easter? asked storyteller Garrison Keillor. The priest said, “Oh, we talk a lot about spring, rebirth…and try not to mention You-Know-Who.”

I laughed at this quip when I first heard it. But, I think that Keillor’s question gets to the heart of my message for this Easter weekend. Resurrection Sunday, more than any other day, forces us to come to grips with what we truly believe about Jesus. Many people admire much of Jesus’ teaching. “Greater love has no one than this—to lay down your life for a friend.” Beautiful.

And most people are moved by the way Jesus treated hurting and alienated people. He touched lepers, blessed widows and immigrants, and wept with those who mourned.

But this Holy Week message about a man who on Friday bears the sins of the world while dying on a cross and on Sunday defeats sin and death by his bodily resurrection… Well, it takes quite a step of faith to say, “That’s what I believe.”

So, does Easter matter? The Apostle Paul says (paraphrased),

It matters more than almost anything else. Indeed, without the resurrection of Jesus, our faith is futile (see 1 Cor. 5:12–19)

Or, as Keillor said in another story, “Easter is a good time to face up to the question: ‘Do we really believe in that story, or do we just like to hang out with nice people and listen to organ music?’”

To His glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor