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Don't Waste Your Life - Week 5 - Study Questions

  1. How would you describe the man in 4:7–8 in your own words? Do you know anyone like this?
  2. What wisdom is offered in 4:9–12?
  3. What was the situation the king faced in 4:13–16? What modern-day situation might find a person moving to the top of an organization and feeling insecure?
  4. The insecure king is offered the following wisdom in 5:1–7: Draw near to God, keep your promises, and fear the Lord. How might that wisdom help the king's insecurity?
  5. The person described in 5:8–15 at first was shocked by poverty and injustice (v. 8) but eventually could not make any difference. Solomon saw that the majority of people fall easily into a system of forgetting others and seeking more for themselves. Would he see the same in our society? Look at vv. 10–15 and put into your own words what Solomon would say to people in our world.
  6. Solomon wanted us to know that it is not bad to work hard, enjoy life, and have possessions. What is his wisdom about these things in 5:18–20?
  7. What do you hope to apply to your life from this part of God's Word?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church