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Isaiah 58:1-12


  1. Read vv. 1-3a. These were people who were active regularly in the worship at God's house. (Fasting and "humbling oneself" were parts of the worship life of God's people. It's what we call "breathing in" at LAC.) What does God say about them in v. 1? Might God say this to churchgoers today?
  2. Read vv. 3b-5. What does the problem seem to be? Discuss both the people's attitudes and actions in spite of their worship life.
  3. Vv. 6-7 is God's description of what we call "breathing out" at LAC. (Our worship lives in God's house should result in God-glorifying lives in the world.) What does God say? Try to update the message. What would God say to us in Southern CA?
  4. According to vv. 8-12, when our worship results in changed lives, then there is great blessing – both for us and for the world. What does God say about that? (Make a list of the blessings.)
  5. If you have time, read Matthew 25:31-45. In what ways does Jesus apply Isaiah 58 (especially vv. 6-7) to his hearers (and to us)?
  6. What is the most important thing you plan to apply to your life from this passage?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church