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"Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings."

-Isaiah 58:12

These words from Isaiah 58:12 sum up a roller coaster declaration found in Chapter 58. Isaiah first condemns the people of God for going through the external motions of obedience. He questions their understanding of what true justice is; the participation with God in seeing a shalomic peace pursued and practiced toward others. God declares that when Kingdom-oriented reconciliation is pursued toward all, particularly those who have been ignored, marginalized or abused, than the presence of the Kingdom "will break forth like the dawn."

This utterance in Isaiah still resonates today. It calls us to examine ourselves, consider our motives, calling us to pursue the heart of God, so that we might authentically and with integrity, then pursue the acts of God.

This passage was used by God to shape the hopes, dreams and purposes of our special guest Lisa Borden. Lisa (Repko) growing up at Lake and discipled here, followed this Kingdom call, along with her husband Byron to East Africa which they have called home for most of the last 25 years. In their commitment to see a holistic gospel, they have seen God begin a church planting movement among the Maasai tribe of Kenya and Tanzania. Together with a small team of Africans and Non-Africans alike, they have seen God using leadership development, small business creation, micro-finance and educational initiatives alongside partnership with a generation of Maasai church planters, build upon this movement.

This weekend we will conclude our "Breathing Out: Here and There" series seeing an example of how a robust Kingdom theology brings with it a robust response to the gospel authored by the one who is The Repairer of the broken walls in our lives and The Restorer of the ultimate dwelling place with our Creator. May our light break forth indeed!


Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
Scott White
Pastor of Global Outreach