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Breathing Out: Here & There - Week 2



At LAC, we often call ourselves a "breathing church"—breathing in when we worship together and have fellowship in our smaller group gatherings. We breathe in so that we might breathe out both through evangelism and compassion ministries—both "here" in our own neighborhood and "there" in areas beyond our local neighborhood.

I have also been discovering rather rare times and places when one local church can be a church involved in God's mission in a special way because the "here and there" both are here! What do I mean by that? I mean that an area like our own is becoming one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse areas in the world. People and religious meeting places from all over the world are here in our neighborhood. And, with world-class educational institutions in our backyard like Cal Tech and Fuller, we have global leaders with us for a number of years—eventually to return as leaders to their own nations. What an opportunity God is affording us to be involved in his global mission here at LAC!

Some of us are beginning to sense that God may be leading us in new ways of building his community with diversity at LAC. We're envisioning more and more of a variety of different first-language groups worshipping together in our larger worship settings and then having closer interaction with others of shared heritage in smaller group settings. We know that we need places in our church life in which we demonstrate the unity with diversity of the body of Christ and also settings in which we can ask, "Given our shared cultural heritage, how do we follow Jesus in the location in which God has placed us?" If you would be interested in serving ministries related to this vision—ministries that may include items like sermon translation, technical skill, or small group leadership—please visit us at "Pathways" after the service this weekend.

Also, we will have people ready to speak with you after our services about how "there" ministries can happen while we stay here.

Al Haq: This Muslim Outreach ministry makes quarterly connections with Muslims throughout Southern California. Al Haq trains and equips all participants. This ministry provides a great opportunity in particular, for those whose first languages are from nations with large Muslim populations. These are prayer-fueled, conversational, non-confrontational outreach opportunities.

FIS – Fellowship of International Students: This Lake ministry is celebrating its 25th Birthday this year!
Significant ministry opportunities are available for LAC women who are native English speakers to be matched as conversation partners with wives of international scholars studying in our local Universities. In addition, there is our Friday Fellowship gathering for the whole family which includes conversation, a meal and Bible Study. These ministry opportunities on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month.

The Amazing Day: These Half-day field trips are led by Pastor Scott White and members of our Global Outreach team. They bring Saturday opportunities to visit a local Buddhist Temple, Muslim Mosque or a Hindu Temple where you will learn more about each of these religions, which were once there, and are now here. The dates for 2012 are May 19. Sept 15, and Nov 10.


To His Glory,

Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
Scott White

Pastor of Global Outreach