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From Turning Points to Sent Ones

Mark 1:16-20


  1. We don't know why Jesus called out to these four men, though we do from other sources know they knew who Jesus was because they had been with John the Baptizer. We do know that these four fishermen were ready to respond to Jesus. When have you been best prepared to hear from God? Reflect on one of those times and seek to identify why you were ready to hear?
  2. These men did not hesitate when Jesus invited them to follow him into a new purpose for life. Identify what this journey likely cost them in human terms and then reflect on how you count the cost of following Jesus in your journey. Are there areas you need to practice a new kind of "cost accounting?" Identify them and share it with a prayer and accountability partner.
  3. Jesus called these men to follow him into the unknown. He chose them,; they trusted him. In what part of your life obedience, do you need to trust Jesus' command to follow him in to the unknown more fully?
  4. Jesus after his resurrection tells his followers, "I will be with you till the end of the age." What does this mean for you in your journey with God and how is it reflected in your own daily obedience as you follow Jesus?


2012 Study Series • Copyright © 2012, Lake Avenue Church