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Breathe Out - Week 1

Category: Breathe Out

Oh Happy day when Jesus washed my Sins away! What a beautiful moment on Easter Sunday morning. This was one of the many highlights from our amazing Easter services. The music was diverse and it reflected the breath of our church family, we sang hymns, songs, and spiritual songs. Now that's my kind of family! It was also a happy day for over fifty brothers and sisters who made first time decisions for Christ. Praise the Lor!

Resurrection Sunday is always one of the highlights of the Christian calendar but what about the Sunday following Easter? Standing at the empty tomb I can only imagine that many were thinking, now what? Last week our parking lots were filled and the presence of the family of God was felt all through out the world. So what about this week? Does resurrection make any difference in this world? This week we will begin to talk about the implications of Christ's resurrection. How resurrection changes our lives and how Christ uses our lives to change this world for his glory. Paul in his letter to the church in Corinth reminds them of the difference the resurrection has made. He cautions them to never forget the reason we gather. This Sunday we will pause to remember the implications of the resurrection. The resurrection changes everything! So that leaves me with the questions...has it changed you? How has it changed you? And finally, has your change impacted your world?

To His glory,


Albert Tate
Intergenerational Pastor