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Unhindered: The Gospel goes on and on... - Week 10

Parent Category: Sermon Resources
Category: Break Forth

This week, the chancellor of the California State University system passed down a decision to no longer recognize certain Christian groups as a part of their campus communities. Those groups who have doctrinal requirements for their leadership teams have been deemed discriminatory and now fall afoul of university policy. This will surely change the way that ministry works at the Cal States. They will no longer enjoy the benefits of reserving rooms, receiving student organization funds, advertising on campus for their meetings, etc.
So many issues of fairness arise. It may be tempting to begin pointing fingers. But before we jump too quickly to anger (for our God is slow to anger), we pause this week to hear from one of our own who is lovingly working within one of the Cal State Schools despite institutional disapproval. You will hear that God has not lost control, nor has God's mission been cut short.
We also will spend the weekend hearing how God's servant, Paul, lived a faithful life of gospel-centered mission with boldness and without hindrance by his religious or political climate's favor or lack thereof. In fact, in God's mercy, God has preserved an unbroken chain along which the gospel is still transmitted from one generation to the next. It really is as Paul said elsewhere while sitting chained in prison: "The gospel is not bound!"


To His Glory,

Jeff Liou
Pastor of College and Young Adult Ministries

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