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The Importance of Re-Focusing - Week 8

Parent Category: Sermon Resources
Category: Break Forth

After the worship services this week, Chris and I will be heading to Chicago for a three-month sabbatical. During those months, I'll focus on a theme I speak often about here at LAC, i.e., that a local church like ours has been planted in its community to be a place in which God's reconciling work is accomplished. I think that you know what I mean by that: At our church we call people to be made right with God through faith in Jesus, to be reconciled to one another in Christ-centered community across ethnic and generational divides, to be healed inside from all the scars of our past...(I could preach and have preached many sermons about the many ways that we are to experience reconciliation in Christ.) I will have the privilege of collaborating with faculty members and students about the practical outworkings of the beautiful biblical teaching about reconciliation.

But, I must admit that I agonize over being away from LAC. I'm not simply the pastor here. This is my own church family. Chris and I love being here and are always a bit homesick when we're away. Indeed, I already am looking forward to returning on the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Interestingly, in our services this weekend, we will be looking at how Paul talked about his calling to be away from the church in Ephesus he had faithfully served. Of course, his situation was different from ours. He anticipated that his departure would be permanent while we expect mine to be very short term. Still, I find the way he talked with his people to be instructive of how followers of Jesus speak of being away from one another. His words remind me a bit of a parent's speaking to a child headed off to college. What did he say?

• He took time to remember God's leading.
• He reminded his people of what unites God's people across the miles.
• He gave them some instructions about the essential things they had to do as a church whether he was there or not.

What is clear to me is that Paul was convinced that the church was God's church not his. He wanted to be sure that he and they remained faithful to the God who is God. And he wanted all to have the assurance God's people remained united wherever they are because they know that the same Lord is always with them. As he later would write to this same church, we always share one Lord and one faith. Therefore, we are linked across the miles in mission and in prayer.


To His Glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor

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