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The Good News Breaks Forth to All Cultures - Week 5 - Study Guide

Parent Category: Sermon Resources
Category: Break Forth

The Good News Breaks forth to all cultures

Acts 17:16-34

  1. In this week's Bible passage, we find Paul unexpectedly waiting in Athens, Greece for Silas and Timothy to join him. He was therefore in the cultural and philosophical hub of the world. From 17:16–17, describe how you think Paul felt about what he was seeing. What would you have done there?

  2. Read vv. 18–21. What seems to have been Paul's central message to people who had never heard of Jesus? How did he go about his witnessing? What do you learn from this?

  3. Read through Paul's public address found in vv. 22–31. List the main points he made in his speech. In what ways does it seem to be different from sermons Peter and Stephen preached to all Jewish audiences?

  4. We also live in a society in which an increasing number of people have little knowledge of Jesus. What might we learn about communicating the gospel in Southern California from Paul's speech?

  5. The resurrection seems to have been central to Paul's testimony (vv. 18, 31–32) wherever he went and to whomever he spoke. Why do you think that is the case? Should this be true of our witness today?

  6. How did people respond to Paul's witnessing according to vv. 32–34? What should we learn from this?

  7. What is the main thing you hope to apply to your life from this week's study?


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