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The Difficult Truth About God's Good News - Week 6

Parent Category: Sermon Resources
Category: Break Forth

Our LAC pastors and Ministry Council members have discerned some rather clear guidance from the Lord about this coming fall. This leading has to do with the role the gospel is to play in the life of our church family.

One of the beautiful realities God is bringing about is that LAC is becoming a community that has remarkable breadth and diversity. We are composed of people from many cultures, nationalities, ethnicities, generations, and even religious backgrounds. These are things that usually divide people from one another in our world. Yet, as the New Testament said should happen, we are beginning to find true unity "in Christ" (cf. Eph. 2:13–22). What holds us together is God's gospel established by the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

But, if it is the gospel that unites us, what is the gospel? We dare not be vague about that. The LAC pastoral and lay leaders have been praying and planning diligently to provide a focus this entire fall that facilitates a fresh understanding and experience of the gospel for all who call this their church. This includes our children through senior adults as well as those new in the faith through those who have walked with Jesus for decades. We are calling the initiative "Shared Faith." Our prayer is that the emphasis will be life transforming for each one of us and church directing for LAC as a whole. And, we are praying that doing this will enable us to fulfill the directive given in the Apostle Paul's last letter, i.e., that we will 1) keep the teaching of the gospel with faith and love in Jesus, 2) guard the truth of the gospel from error with the help of the Holy Spirit, and 3) pass the gospel on faithfully until Jesus returns (see 2 Tim. 1:13–14; 2:2).

In order to help the gospel go deep into our minds and lives, we urge you to participate with us in four ways:

  1. Faithfully attend worship services: These will seek to focus on how each tenet of the gospel, as it is expressed in our Statement of Faith, speaks to and directs our daily lives. We will worship God in the light of his gospel.
  2. Be active in a smaller group: In small groups you will be able to personalize and apply each part of the gospel.
  3. Make the gospel a part of your personal devotional life: LAC pastors have written gospel-centered devotional material to help you in your daily walk with God.
  4. Participate in a mid-sized group: Join in the youth group or an adult class. A special "Shared Faith" Lake U Seminar will be held Sundays at 9am starting this Fall.

We will begin in September. More information will be updated on our website.  Join us as we encounter the gospel anew in our "Shared Faith."


To His Glory,

Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor

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