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Week 5


Ephesians 3:1-13

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Open:  When have you been welcomed and received well?  Recount the ways people reached out to you.  (If you participated last week, share with the group how practicing understanding went.  Share what you learned about yourself during this process.)

Examine the Passage: Ephesians 3:1-13.

  • This section bookends with Paul as a “prisoner” with “sufferings.” (vs. 1 and 13).  And yet it is not a discouragement to him.  What seems to be giving Paul encouragement? 
  • What is the “mystery of Christ” accomplished “through the gospel?” What does the passage tell us the Gentiles become? (vs.6). Grab a pen and highlight or circle key words or phrases because we, too, like the Gentiles become this.
  • Is the reconciliation between Jews and Gentiles old news, or does it matter today? Explain. 
  • What do you infer about the character of God, knowing this is God’s plan for the church?
  • How can we approach God? Why can we do this? (vs. 12).   

Explore the Theme: Harmony.  “Live in harmony with one another.  Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.  Do not be conceited.”  Romans 12:16

  • In what ways does pride impact unity and inclusion? How have you observed that in your own life? Or in Christian communities?
  • What role does prejudice and favoritism play in disharmony? How have you observed that in your own life? Or in Christian communities?
  • What kinds of cultural behaviors or expectations have you observed in different churches? How should you respond to those who act differently from you?
  • How can you work to promote harmony and unity among Christians?

Engage Your Life: Practice Hospitality.   Reimagine hospitality in light of Romans 15:7, “Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”  Intentionally consider how you can welcome and accept someone.  With your words and your actions, actively engage in being an includer this week.  Seek to communicate that someone belongs, as they are, rather than having to “fit in” to avoid being rejected.  Consider making a list of conversation questions to try that encourage acceptance rather than comparison.  Come ready next week to share what you tried. 

Praying Grace and Peace: Share prayer requests, and then provide a couple of minutes of quiet individual prayer time to reflect on approaching God with freedom and confidence.  Then go to corporate prayer for one another and for praying grace and peace to all.