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1.  Read Ephesians 2:11-22 and note and discuss the main points and the transformation of the Gentile through Christ.  What is happening and why does it matter?  What is the idea of unity and how does that fit with the LAC idea of the Unexpected Family?

2.  This is a sensitive question, and maybe one you should pray about on your own, but is there any group of ethnic people against whom you are racist or hostile in your thoughts, words, attitudes, or actions? Can you see from this passage that Jesus Christ shed His blood for this group of people to be near to Himself for all eternity?

3. Are there any Christians with whom you have hostility? If so, how is this situation not lining up with what Jesus accomplished through His death on the cross? Do you believe He has the power ready for you to be a blessing in this relationship? How do you think the Father’s gracious, loving heart wants you to respond in this situation?

4. Do you see how unity is so important to God because of how much it cost Him and His Son? Do you also see how God indwells the church, making your role in unity vitally important? Reflect and Discuss.