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Questions from PASTOR Jeff Liou

Core Value #2: Evangelistic Community

 1.  This week, there’s a word we really want to be thinking about: witness (Acts 1:8).  What have you “seen and heard” (4:20) God do in your life and in our church?

2.  All the incredible things that the disciples witnessed are attributed to this one name: Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  If you take a minute to flip through chapters 1-4, it is worth listing a few of the things that they witnessed and comparing/contrasting it with your list from question #1.  What do you notice?

3.  The disciples encountered clear and strong opposition.  What are the forces that make it hard to be clear that we, too, have witnessed the work of Jesus Christ in our lives?  Can you think of one way to resist those forces?

4.  Stop and pray for one person that you know who needs to know the power, healing, presence, and lovingkindness of Jesus Christ.  Ask God to lead you by the Holy Spirit to one meaningful action that might communicate the gospel to that person.