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According to Jesus - Week 7 - Study Guide

Category: According to Jesus

  1. Jesus starts this "antithesis" just like the others: he reminds his hearers of a saying with which they are familiar. Look carefully at the saying in verse 33. What do you think Jesus takes issue with? For what reason might people feel the need to swear this way?
  2. The previous three sayings had come to be treated (by some) as rules that could be circumvented. In this case, there were ways to get around actually doing what you "swore" to do. Do we use words this way? Do we make promises that we don't intend to keep?
  3. Look at the things that people used to swear by. They are all owned (even created) by God – even the hairs on our head! How does God's ownership and concern for his whole creation change how we live? How does his presence and complete knowledge influence the things we say and do?
  4. This passage is very much about the way we use our words. We are to mean what we say and be the kind of people who can be taken at our word. Imagine for a moment: what would it be like to belong to a community that means what it says?


According to Jesus, 2011 Study Series • Copyright © 2011, Lake Avenue Church