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According to Jesus - Week 4 - Study Guide

Category: According to Jesus

  1. To set the stage for this week's study, read first Matthew 22:34–40. The first great command ("Love God") is Jesus' summary of the first five of the Ten Commandments. The second ("Love your neighbor") is his summary of the next five. So, the first way to love our neighbor is what Jesus addressed in Matthew 5:21–26. Why are his words so important if we truly love our neighbors?
  2. Many teachers minimized this command so that they thought, "I haven't murdered anyone, so I haven't broken this law." How does Jesus correct them?
  3. To call a person "raca" (v. 22) is to say that they are nobody—a non-person. Why is this offensive to God? How might we do this today?
  4. To call a person "moron" or "fool" (v. 22) is to damage one's self-esteem and reputation. Why is this offensive to God? How might we do this today?
  5. The term for being angry in v. 22 means to swell up with poison. It usually was used for an attitude that plots against another person. How might that lead to destroying a person made in God's image?
  6. In vv. 23–26, Jesus gave a possible first step and some advice for how we might begin to obey the sixth command. What did he say?
  7. What first steps will you take in the light of this passage?


According to Jesus, 2011 Study Series • Copyright © 2011, Lake Avenue Church