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According to Jesus - Week 2 - Study Guide

Category: According to Jesus

Begin the study by reviewing the three inner character traits declared by Jesus to be blessed in 5:3-5

Poor in spirit – Acknowledging your utter dependence on God for all things, especially forgiveness and righteousness.
Mourn – Possessing a deep sorrow for your own sin, and the sin and injustice in the world.
Meek– Turning from self and commitment to use whatever God gives to serve.

  1. In your life's experience, what wars against the development of these traits?
  2. Those inner traits are to lead to inner longings as expressed by Jesus in 5:6-9. The first is in v. 6, i.e., that those things wrong in my life and in this world will be made right. What kinds of "righteousness" do you think Jesus was referring to? (See also the text Jesus was referring to in Isaiah 61:1-3a, 8.)
  3. The second desire is to show the same kind of mercy to others that Jesus has shown to us (5:7). How might we do that?
  4. The next desire is called "pure in heart", which Pastor Waybright defines as being single-minded in our desire to please God (5:8). How does that longing war against competing allegiances in this world?
  5. The fourth desire is to be a person used by God to heal broken relationships (5:9). What is the difference between being a peacemaker and a peacekeeper?
  6. In 5:9-12, Jesus lets us know that these beautiful qualities might lead to persecution. Why is that true?
  7. What is the main thing you pray God will do in your life through this passage of His Word?


According to Jesus, 2011 Study Series • Copyright © 2011, Lake Avenue Church