You Want Me to...What?

You Want Me to...What?

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Read John 14:15-31

  • Jesus says throughout this passage that if we love Him, we will obey his teaching. How is obedience an expression of love?
  • In this passage, Jesus references the Trinity. How are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit related to one another in this passage? Why do you think Jesus pairs this imagery of the Trinity alongside of the call to obey? In other words, how is the love between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit related to this call to love and obedience?
  • What does this passage say about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives? How does the Holy Spirit help us in our journey of faith?
  • How have you experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit? In what ways has the Holy Spirit helped you to obey the teaching of Jesus?
  • Jesus says in verse 27 that he is giving us peace. How is the peace of God different from the world’s peace? How might God’s peace help us to love and obey Jesus?
  • Pastor Jeff talked about the “Obedience Wars” that we are currently seeing in the Church. We judge one another’s understanding of what it means to be obedient, and are self-righteous about our own journey of faith. Instead, what are some practical ways we can learn about obedience from one another? How can we invite our brothers and sisters in Christ (especially those who are different from us) to shape our understanding of what it means to love and obey Jesus?