Yes! I Won't

Yes! I Won't

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Read Jonah 1:1-4, 3:1-6, 4:1-3

  1. Jonah is God’s prophet, but runs away in 1:3. In what ways have we also turned away from God’s Presence and Word? How do we try to run away from God?
  2. God redirects Jonah through a storm (1:4), a fish (1:17), and a leafy plant (4:6-7). In what ways does God usually redirect you when you run away?
  3. What is God like, according to 4:2? Compare Jonah’s words with Exodus 34:4-9. What is the difference between Moses’ reaction to God’s compassion vs. Jonah’s reaction? Why is Jonah angry about God’s grace?
  4. Jonah was willing to let 120,000 Ninevites be destroyed in God’s wrath, and didn’t seem to care about thousands of people made in God’s image. How do we also dehumanize our enemies? How can we instead love them and seek their eternal good?
  5. Jonah shows us that God wants everyone in his family, even those we’d least expect, and he wants us to participate in his mission. How can you expand your imagination this week to think about where and to whom He might be sending you to build his church?