When the Calling Seems to Be Too Hard

When the Calling Seems to Be Too Hard

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Read Jeremiah 1:1-19

  • What excuses does Jeremiah give to God in verse 6? What are the excuses we usually make when God calls us to do a hard thing?
  • Jeremiah felt woefully unprepared for the task set before him. When have you also felt overwhelmed by God’s call on your life, unequipped for the path God had for you?
  • What is God’s response to Jeremiah’s excuses?
  • Pastor Greg said that our calling to leadership can often feel lonely. We might feel rejected, outcast, or misunderstood because of the role God has called us to. When have you experienced loneliness while living out God’s call on your life?
  • What is God’s promise to us in this passage about this experience of loneliness, unworthiness, and fear?