What the Journey Demands

What the Journey Demands

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Questions for Reflection

Mark 8:27-38

  1. How have you heard your friends and family describe Jesus? Answer the question Jesus poses, ‘Who do you say I am?’ (vs. 29).
  2. Why do you think it would be hard for Peter to hear about Jesus’ suffering and death (vs. 31-32)? What type of leader was Peter wanting Jesus to be? Examine if there are things you want Jesus to do that are actually not the things of God (vs. 33).
  3. What does Jesus mean that you can gain the whole world yet lose your soul (vs. 36)? What in the world tempts you?
  4. How can you save your life (vs. 35)? What have you lost for the sake of the gospel?
  5. Jesus denied himself and took up his cross for our salvation. Yet, sometimes we find ourselves feeling hesitant or ashamed to share about Jesus (vs. 38). Where are the places, or who are the people, that you hold back in sharing about Jesus? Consider a next step you could take this week to share about Jesus where you haven’t before. Pray for courage.