What's Real
What's Real
Greg Waybright
- James 1:26-27
- Together
- 39 mins 51 secs
- Views: 1452
Pastor's Letter
What's Real - Week 7
James wrote these clear and hard-hitting words to his congregation centuries ago. They are as important for us today as they ever have been. Studies by the Barna Group point out that many younger people who have grown up in churches have become disillusioned in the 21st century by organized religion because they say that they have witnessed people going to church, studying their Bibles, and learning the truth of God's Word but not living according to what they know. James teaches us that merely doing such things is dead religion—not the genuine thing.
"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."
James 1:22
James wrote these clear and hard-hitting words to his congregation centuries ago. They are as important for us today as they ever have been. Studies by the Barna Group point out that many younger people who have grown up in churches have become disillusioned in the 21st century by organized religion because they say that they have witnessed people going to church, studying their Bibles, and learning the truth of God's Word but not living according to what they know. James teaches us that merely doing such things is dead religion—not the genuine thing.
After I talked about this last weekend, Dr. Gita Govahi spoke to me about James' message and then sent me this note:
There is a saying that is attributed to Confucius: "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand." I use this quote in my teaching since what I do is to provide an opportunity for students to apply the theories that they learn in lecture and by reading the book. So we create a laboratory environment for students to experiment with these theoretical underpinnings, hence, learn by "doing" or "active engagement."
– Gita Govahi, Assistant Dean, USC Marshall School of Business
Gita helped me grasp a part of why God calls both for personal faith and for active engagement in a way of life consistent with God's own character. Most churches have trouble knowing how to put together faith and action. Some groups seem to want the church to be indistinguishable from a social justice agency. To that, the Bible says, "No. That's off target. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus. It is not a religion of works. Through faith in Jesus, we enter into a personal relationship with God. And this is all a gift from God—not something we earn." However, the Bible also makes it clear that genuine saving faith always flows out into a life of obedience to God. The Apostle Paul called it "An obedience that comes from faith for Jesus' name's sake" (Romans 1:5).
And, of all the kinds of things that our obedience to God calls for, there are two that James tells us are absolutely essential if our walk with God is to be seen as genuine:
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." – James 1:26–27
To His Glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
Study Notes
What's Real - Week 7 - Study Notes
Study Notes available in English and Chinese translations.
What's Real?
James 1:26-27
Ever since the very beginning of human life as recorded in Genesis 3, human beings have tried to hide things about ourselves that we don't like -- and thereby to come across as being very different from what we know we are genuinely like inside. Because of that, there have always been shysters, Charlatans and fakes in the world. But, it seems, we have taken this matter of making our outsides look very different from what is inside us to new levels in our contemporary world. We're so good at working on our outside appearance that, sometimes, it is almost impossible to distinguish the genuine from the fake.
As I was talking with some of our younger pastors and leaders about this over the past week, almost each one told me that social media provides a particularly effective venue for us to present ourselves not in ways we really are but in ways we want others to think we are. For example, Pastor Jesse Oakes wrote me this: "Social media accounts are often advertisements for our best self. They seldom capture the flaws, malaise, and confusion that are parts of normal life. Comedian Chris Rock once joked how in dating relationships, for the first six months you aren't dating that person, you're dating their representative.
Jesse is right. We can Photoshop things into and out of our pictures. We can airbrush out any unwanted blemishes or fat. And, even if people actually have to see us in person rather than online, we have aesthetic surgery and Botox and countless ways of altering our external appearance. Let me be clear: I'm not saying it's necessarily wrong to make ourselves look better than we do when we first get up in the morning. I'm simply saying that it's becoming increasing difficult for us to distinguish what is real from what is not.
But today, as we come to the last two verses in James 1, we see that what God does not want us to do is fake our relationship to him. God's Word constantly tells us that, spiritually speaking, what people see on the outside should be consistent with what is inside our hearts. But, sometimes it's hard to separate the authentic follower of Jesus from the one who is faking it. In fact, James even says we can deceive ourselves about this. So, how can we tell what is real and what is not?
There is no passage in God's Word that is clearer or more concise about this question than James 1:26-27. In those verses, James tells us how God sees things. God sees beyond the external and looks inside our souls. And, God also knows the ways that our external actions will inevitably show what is happening inside us. He says that what we should look for among those who truly know him, i.e., what is genuine "according to God" (v. 27), is not what most human beings think it is. So, what is God specifically looking for when he looks for genuine faith?" James points out one thing that genuine faith in Jesus is not and two things that it is. Let's see what Pastor James says about this.
What Is Not Real – according to God
Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless (1:26).
The people James describes here are clearly not authentic Christians but they truly thinks that they are. They do religious things and talk big talk about what they do, but their inner life with God is empty. "Religious" is not a word we like to use a lot in our churches. The Bible doesn't use it a lot either. "Religious" was and is a very broad word that basically speaks of the outward and ceremonial parts of whatever religion we say is ours. What the Bible is saying is that, when we do lots of religious activity, we often can be self-deceived by all we do. You could think, "I do many religious things and most people do not. So, I'm OK with God for sure!!"
A lot of this outward religion is simply wrong or misguided. At the same time, some of it could be good! In fact, there are a lot of things that God asks us to do in the Bible that fall into this category of religious activity. But, God says, the activity can fool us into talking big about how deep our commitment to the Lord is based on our religious practices, when we may not have lives surrendered to God at all. I'm sure you know this is true: We can attend church every week, participate in the Lord's Supper, hold our hands in the air while we're singing, (or not hold our hands in the air while we're singing)... But, those things are not the heart of the matter. They flow out of the heart of the matter. Those things do not make us right with God.
No, when we have surrendered our lives to our merciful God through faith in Jesus, we look for ways to worship him and grow in our faith. What happens is that when our faith in Jesus is real, we want to go to church, to give and serve, to be baptized and receive communion... But the heart of the matter is a genuine relationship to God through faith in Jesus – not external rituals. If external practices become the heart of the matter instead of your love for Jesus, your religious activity will be empty.
It's like what happened in the book of Malachi. People didn't love God at all and they were not living for him. Still, they were doing religious things. They were showing up at the Temple each week, bringing sacrifices, etc. So, God said, "I would rather you shut and board up the Temple than put on this religious show. I love a contrite heart that is surrendered to me more than all the things you're doing!"
When I was in a high school chemistry class (a few years ago), we did an experiment distinguishing organic and inorganic growth. We took a mineral and for weeks plunged it day after day into a liquid that stuck to it and formed a crust on it. After several weeks, that mineral was many times its original size and had a very different color and shape. Then, one class period, we put the mineral into a dissolve solution – and all the coating came off. It was inorganic growth. And that can happen to you and me in our church attendance. We can go to church and, on the outside, we can look like real Christians. We can dress like a Christian, sing and pray like a Christian, play the same games as a Christian – but we may not have a real relationship to God at all.
How can we know what is real in our walks with God from what is not? Is there evidence that will cut through all the activity and reveal my heart? James says that one of the surest signs of genuine faith is surely not that we can talk big about it! In fact, the evidence comes when we are able to control our tongues.
It's evident that one of the main points about fake religion is that a person talks his religion well. Jesus often made this point about the false religious leaders of his days. They could speak with deep religious sounding tones and make everyone else feel very unspiritual. But, Jesus declared, on the outside they were "white-washed walls." They gave the external appearance of faith when, on the inside, they were self-centered and proud.
James tells us here that our tongues will reveal what is inside. James compares our tongues to wild powering rearing horses that take off on a dangerous ride if the reins are not kept taut. It bolts out like an unbridled horse and cannot be brought back in. So, in God's view, anyone who says he is a Christian but has a tongue out of control is fooling himself. In fact, James says that this kind religion is "worthless", i.e., empty and without substance. It's like a tooth whose inside has been destroyed by a cavity but which has an outside appearance of being fine. When the pressure comes from biting, it collapses. Pressure reveals what is inside. Here is your marker: When pressure comes and you repeatedly tear people down with anger or gossip, spout out profanities or lie to get out of a mess, you have evidence that your faith is not genuine. When you begin to find inner strength to control your tongue, you can know your faith is real
So, the real test of the genuineness of your faith is not the ability to speak, preach or teach but the ability to control your tongue. Big talk about our religion -- about all we know about God and all the religious things we do -- is not necessarily evidence of a relationship to God. You can learn to do that without ever surrendering to God. What comes out of your mouth will eventually and inevitably demonstrate what is on the inside. You may try to cover up what's inside, but in times of pressure, what you are inside will come spewing out – through your mouth. Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless (1:26).
Two Evidences of the Real Thing
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world (1:27).
Make note of this: We would badly misunderstand v.27 if we were to think that James is intending to put into one verse all that genuine worship should include. What he is saying is that if our religious activity does not include these two things, then it is nothing. These two are not everything God calls for – but they are both essential parts of any genuine relationship with God. As you should expect, these are two things that the Bible calls for again and again. James has just said that we should both be hearers of the Word and then doers of what it says. In keeping with that, James picks two evidences of faith that pervade the Bible.
Evidence #1: Walking with those in Distress -- Look after orphans and widows in their distress.
The first thing to notice is that orphans and widows were two of the three groups who fell outside of most support systems in Bible times. Do you remember the bookmarks we passed out last year that gave 40 different passages discussing people God wants us to care for? Book after book in the Bible calls us to care for widows, orphans and immigrants. Interestingly, James does not mention the third group, i.e., the immigrant populations that people often feel do not belong in their city. Why? It may be because the Christians he was writing to had themselves been scattered into different towns and the residents in those cities viewed the Christians as being those not welcome in their country. The Christians were the aliens!!
So, James' point is that one mark of genuine faith in Jesus is that we watch out for and care for those in our neighborhood who can't readily take care of themselves and for whom the current support systems are insufficient. The key to this is the phrase James uses, i.e., "in their distress." James is telling us to identify who the people are in our own community who are in distress – who don't know where to turn and don't feel they really belong anywhere – and we are to walk with them. Who might those people be here in the San Gabriel Valley? Think about it. Those returning home after being incarcerated? Those who have been trapped in addictions and, because of that, are avoided by their families and former friends? Forster children? Those relationally dysfunctional or developmentally disabled in some way?
Notice that what the Bible calls us to do is to "visit" or "look after" those in distress. This was a word of relationship. It's not just calling us to visit people in distress once in a while but to offer them a place of belonging. It calls us not only to do things for them – like offer meals once in a while – but also to invite them into the family of God. God's people are to walk with people who are in distress.
All this is based on the character and ways of God himself. Repeatedly, the Bible tells us, "God is a Father to the fatherless and a defender of the defenseless (Psalm 68:5)." Here's the point: If people find themselves trapped or alone in in trouble anywhere or anyplace turn to God for help, he welcomes and loves them. And we who are his followers are to do what God does. We are to "glorify" God, i.e., reflect his ways to our world through treating people as God treats people.
Churches throughout history and around the world have often done this well. Most of the great hospitals in our country were started by Christian denominations. Orphanages were almost entirely the province of the church. Soup kitchens and rescue missions were always faith-based. But things seemed to have changed over the last half of the 20th C. As more and more people have looked to the government to solve social problems, the church sometimes backed off, or in some cases been pushed out. The results have not been entirely positive. The government can certainly provide resources but it cannot show the love of Christ. It can provide care for our bodies but not a place of belonging that nourishes our souls.
So, genuine faith in Jesus will always manifest istelf by us having a heart for those who are hurting. We want people to know that God loves them – and that God's people welcome them. And, James indicates that this can only happen genuinely when we walk with people. Genuine faith in Jesus takes us out where the pressure is, where people are struggling, touching people where people hurt – and it invites people to come to Jesus and to belong to a caring local church family. When those in distress come into town, they should know that no matter how anyone else regards them, God's people will walk with them.
So, check your heart and how it thinks about hurting people. Faith that God views as genuine cannot exist within us apart from us caring about those who are in distress. Listen to how the Apostle John made the same point: If anyone has material possessions and sees others in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speeches but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:17-18).
Evidence #2: Staying Unstained by the World -- Keep from being polluted by the world.
It's fascinating that James puts this statement about pure living alongside looking after orphans and widows as evidence of pure religion. But, these two evidences go together. Ee tend to focus either on the first half of v. 27 or the second. But each part is essential to genuine faith. Consider this: There have many religious groups in which people have taught that to be in contact with people in distress would pollute religious people. But, Jesus went right into those places where there were tax collectors, lepers, Samaritans and people trapped in prostitution. People said, "Jesus is a fraud because he spends time with such people!" But, he kept doing it: He listened to their hearts' cries. He called them away from sin. He offered them forgiveness and called them to a new life of following him!" He didn't live the way they lived. To the contrary, he called them to a new and better way of life. But, he cared for those in distress by spending time with them and he led them to faith.
So, if the Jesus we read about in the Bible is your Lord, then you dare not avoid people simply because you think they are messed up. It is not contact with people of the world that pollutes us – but engaging in their way of life that stains us. We need to be out there in the world with people in their need if we will help call people out of destructive ways of life, pray for them, and offer them hope.
Our calling is to live according to God's ways in this world and thereby show people a different way of living. We are to live for God while still maintaining relationship with people in the world. You see, when James tells us not to be polluted by the world", he is not talking" about the people of the world -- but the evil of the world. James is saying that those of us who have been made right with God through faith in the one who died for our sins will distance ourselves from the sins that forced Jesus to go to the cross.
I'll put it simply as I can: If you are a genuine follower of Jesus, you dare never become comfortable with things like immorality in your way of life or in your entertainment, vulgarity and profanity in your conversations, or dishonesty and lying in your career. You will experience those things in the people in the world you interact with but you are not to make them parts of your lives. Things that displease God should not be what entertains us or brings us our joy. In other words, I'm quite sure that the effect of following James' challenge will be that you will change your television and movie choices, you will be more careful about which websites you visit, and you will change your reading habits. I'm not calling for a legalistic set of rules but if you are following the challenge to fill your mind with Scripture, you will not want to fill your lives with trash. You will love the people of the world as God loves. You will love to walk with people in distress. But, while you do, you will love obeying God because your deepest desire is to please him.
Let's boil it down: A genuine life of following Jesus is not characterized simply by talking about what we know or all the religious things we do. No, it is more about being able to control our tongues and using them to tell people about Christ. And, on the positive side, genuine faith is a beautiful blend of having 1) on one side, caring hearts and active lives that walk with and support those in distress – and 2) on the other, lives that follow God's ways rather than the worlds. How real is your faith? It begins when you confess your sins and ask God to forgive you on the basis of what Jesus did when he died in your place on the cross. You must ask Jesus to be your savior. But then, you will surely ask, as we all do, "How do I know this faith is real? Look at your life carefully in the light of God's Word:
Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:26-27
May that be said of us – to God's glory alone.
To His glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
就像《創世記》第3章所記錄的那樣,人類從一開始就試圖掩藏我們不喜歡的東西——人外在所表現出來的與我們內在真正的自己有很大的不同。因此,這世界上就總有不擇手段的律師、假專家和騙子。但是,如今好像我們這種外在與內在的不同又達到了一個新水平。我們如此註重我們的外在,有時,我們幾乎不能分辨哪一個是真的。 就如過去一星期我和一些年輕的牧師和領袖所談論的,幾乎所有人都告訴我,社交媒體向我們提供了一個特別有效的場所,讓我們所展示的不是真正的自己,而是我們希望別人所認為的自己。例如,Jesse Oakes牧師寫道:社交媒體的賬號通常都是展示最好的自我。他們很少表現我們普通生活中的常見的缺點、消極和混亂。喜劇演員Chris Rock有一次在談到約會問題時,他開玩笑說,前6個月你不是和那個人約會,而是和他們的代理人約會。 Jesse是對的。我們可以把我們照片裡的東西通過photoshop加進減出。我們可以除掉我們不想要的缺陷和肥胖。即使人們不想看網絡上的我們,想要看我們的真人,我們也可以通過美容手術、除皺術等各種數不清的方法來選擇我們的外表。讓我說的更明白些:我不是說,早上起來我們通過打扮讓我們外表好看就不對。我只是在說,如今要分辨什麼真的,什麼不是真的,已經越來越困難了。 但今天,我們來到《雅各書》第1章的最後兩節,我們看到,神不想讓我們偽造和祂的關係。神的話不斷地告訴我們,人在外邊所看到的應該與我們裡面的一致。但是,有時我們很難區分誰是耶穌真正的追隨者,誰是假的。雅各說,在這件事上,甚至我們能自己欺騙自己。因此,我們如何能說出什麼是真的,什麼不是真的? 在神的話語中,沒有比《雅各書》1:26-27更能簡明扼要地說明這件事。在這兩節經文中,雅各告訴我們神如何看待這些事。神所看見的超乎我們人所能理解的。神也知道,我們外在的行為會表現我們內在的情況。神說我們應該在那些真認識祂的人當中去尋找,也就是說,去尋找在神看來是真實的東西(v.27),而不是大多數人認為真實的東西。如果我們問,“神啊,我如何確定與你同行是真實的?神究竟在找什麼?”雅各指出了在耶穌裡的真信心不是什麼以及是什麼。 “在神的眼中,”有不同的特徵表明誰是真的,誰不是真的。讓我們來看看雅各牧師是怎麼說的。
若有人自以為虔誠,卻不勒住他的舌頭,反欺哄自己的心,這人的虔誠是虛的。 (1:26) 很明顯,雅各在這描述的這個人不是一個真基督徒,但是他以為他是。他做不敬虔的事,他說大話,但他的內在生命裡卻沒有神。 “敬虔”,不是一個我們在教會裡喜歡用的詞。聖經用的也不多。 “敬虔”是一個寬泛的詞語,主要用來指宗教方面外在和禮節性的部分。聖經則說,當人們有很多敬虔的行為時,我們常常被自己的行為欺騙。你可能認為,“我做了很多敬虔的事,而大多數人都不做。因此,我肯定是真的!!” 很多外在的敬虔是不對的,會引我們走錯路。而其中也有好的!實際上,神在聖經裡要求我們做的很多事情就屬於這一類。但神說,行為可以愚弄我們,讓我們因為自己敬虔的行為而誇大自己與神的關係,其實我們根本沒有把生命交給神。我相信你知道這是真的:我們可以每個星期都來教會,領聖餐,唱詩的時候舉起手(或者是唱詩的時候不舉手)……但是,那些事情本身並不是問題的中心。它們來自於中心,但它們並不能讓我們真正與神在一起。 當我們通過在耶穌裡的信心把自己的生命降服於憐慈的神,我們找到了敬拜神和信心成長的方法。而結果就是,我們想進到教會,奉獻自己、服事他人,受洗並領聖餐……問題的中心是通過在耶穌裡的信心與神有真正的關係。如果外在的行為成為中心,你的敬虔的行為就是沒有意義的。 這就好像在《瑪拉基書》中所發生的事情。人們根本不愛神,他們不是為神而活。但他們一直做敬虔的事情。他們每個星期都會在會堂出現,獻祭,等等。因此神說,“我寧願你們關閉、封住會堂,不要把這個當做表演。我喜歡一顆悔悟並向我降服的心,勝過你們做的這些行為!”
多年前,我在高中上化學課的時候,我們做一個試驗,要把有機物和無機物區別開來。我們拿來一種礦物質,連續幾個星期,每天把它放在液體裡,讓液體粘在它的表面,形成一層硬殼。幾個星期以後,這種礦物質的尺寸增大了好多倍,並且顏色和形狀都發生了變化。然後,我們又把這種礦物質放入溶液中——把外邊的塗層除掉。它是無機物。這種事情在教會裡同樣發生在你我身上。我們可以來教會,在外表上,我們可以像一個真基督徒。我們可以在穿著上像一個基督徒,可以唱詩和禱告時像基督徒,可以像基督徒一樣做遊戲——但這可能不是真的。我們可能沒有與神有真正的有機的聯繫。 我們怎麼知道那是真的,還是假的?有什麼憑證可以透過我們的行為揭示我們的內心嗎?雅各說真信心的一個最可靠的記號是,我們不能在這個事情上說大話!就是說,我們是否能夠控制自己的舌頭。 很明顯,假敬虔的特點之一,就是一個人說他很敬虔。耶穌常常用這一點來形容當時那些假的宗教領袖。他們可以用很敬虔的聲音來講話,讓其他人覺得自己很不屬靈。但是,耶穌說,他們外表像“刷白的牆”。他們顯示外表的敬虔,但在裡面,他們以自我為中心,並且很驕傲。 雅各在這兒告訴我們,我們的舌頭會揭示內在。雅各把舌頭比作咆哮的野馬,假如它的情緒沒有得到有效的控制,那麼騎上它是非常危險的。就像脫韁的野馬,沒法把它再帶回來。因此,在神看來,任何人說他是一個基督徒,卻沒有控制好他的舌頭,他就是在騙自己。實際上,雅各說這種敬虔是沒有價值的,是空的,沒有本質意義的。這就好像一顆牙,外面看起來還不錯,但裡面已經被蟲蛀了。標誌就是:當面對壓力時,你不斷向他人發怒或說閒話,說出褻瀆的話,或者亂撒謊,這就表明你的信心不是真的。當你開始找到內心的力量來控制自己的舌頭,你就知道這信心是真的。 所以,對信心的真正的試煉不是講話、講道和教導的能力,而是我們控制舌頭的能力。對我們敬虔的大話——就是對我們認識神和我們敬虔行為的大話——不是我們與神關係的憑據。你可以在沒有降服於神的情況下學習做各種事。從你嘴裡出來的東西,最終會顯明你裡面的東西。你可以試圖掩蓋內心,但壓力到來的時候,你裡面的東西就會噴出來。若有人自以為虔誠,卻不勒住他的舌頭,反欺哄自己的心,這人的虔誠是虛的。 (1:26)
在神我們的父面前,那清潔沒有玷污的虔誠,就是看顧在患難中的孤兒寡婦,並且保守自己不沾染世俗(1:27)。 記下這一點:如果我們認為雅各試圖用一節經文來涵蓋所有的真實的敬拜,在很大程度上我們會誤解第27節。他所說的是,如果我們的敬虔行為不包括這兩件事,那就什麼都不是。這兩件事不是神呼召我們去做的所有的事,而是與神有真實的關係中最基本的部分。如你所料,這兩件事是聖經一再強調的。雅各說,我們應該聆聽神的話,然後照神的話去做。相應地,雅各選出了聖經中隨處可見的兩個有關信心的憑據。
首先留意,孤兒和寡婦是三個群組中的兩組人,在聖經時代他們是邊緣人,得不到社會主流的支持。你還記不記得去年我們發給大家的讀經書籤?其中40個不同的經文段落,討論神要我們顧念的人?聖經一卷又一卷呼召我們來看顧寡婦,孤兒和移民。有趣的是,雅各沒有提到第三組人,比如移民人口,常常感覺所住之地非他們所屬。為什麼呢?這可能是因為雅各寫信給的這些基督徒,他們已經被分散到不同的鄉鎮,在居住的這些城市里為國人不受歡迎。基督徒被視為外人! ! 所以,雅各指出,在耶穌裡面存真正信心的一個標誌是:看顧和關懷我們鄰舍中無法自理或缺乏協助資源的人。這句話的關鍵是雅各用"在患難中" 的用語,雅各告訴我們認識社區里處在"患難中"的人-這些人無依無靠,也不覺得自己有所歸屬-那就是我們要與之同行的人。在聖蓋博谷這些人可能是誰呢?想想吧。那些被關押後出來的人?這些困在毒癮中的人,因為被家庭和從前的朋友棄絕的人?寄養的孩子?這些在人際關係失調、發育成長中有某種缺陷的人? 注意聖經呼召我們來“探訪”或“照顧”那些處在患難中的人。這是有關關係的一個字。不只是叫我們有時候的探訪,而是為他們提供一個有歸屬感的地方。呼召我們不只是為他們做點事情-比如有時供應些飯食之類- 同時也是邀請他們到神的家來。上帝的子民乃是與在患難中的人同行。 所有這一切都是基於神的品格和神的作為。聖經不斷地重申, “神在祂的聖所作孤兒的父,作寡婦的伸冤者(詩篇68:5 ) 。 "重點是:如果人們發現自己陷入困境或獨自遭遇艱難,無論何地何處,只要轉向神求幫助,他都會張開臂膀歡迎並愛他們。我們這些跟隨耶穌的人也要做耶穌做的事。我們要“榮耀”上帝,反映上帝在世界中的作為,透過神對待世人的方式來待人。 在這些方面,教會在歷史中,在世界各地常有優秀的作為。我們國內大部分傑出的醫院都是由基督教團體創辦的。孤兒院幾乎都是由教會一手包辦的。給無家可歸的人提供食宿的機構都是建立在信仰的基礎上。但是20世界後半葉情況看來有了變化。越來越多的人指望政府來解決社會問題,教會有時候就退出來了,在某些情況下甚至被排擠出去。結果並不完全是正面的。當然,政府可以提供資源,但並不能顯出基督的愛。政府可以為我們的身體提供些照顧,但不是一個所屬之地,可以滋養我們精神。 所以,在耶穌裡面真正的信心,從我們體現出來的是對被傷害的人的心靈的幫助。我們希望人們知道神愛他們- 上帝的子民歡迎他們。而且,雅各指出,只有我們與人同行,這些事才能真正發生。在耶穌裡面的真信心將我們帶到壓力所在之處,人們掙扎之處,在人受傷害之處觸摸人的心-來邀請人們來到基督的面前,在一個關愛的教會家庭中找到歸屬。當那些處於患難中的人來到我們的城市,他們應該知道不論別人如何看待他們,上帝的子民將與他們一同行走。 因此,捫心自問,我們心裡如何看待受傷的人。人若不看顧那些在患難中的人,在神看來的真信心就不可能存在。聽使徒約翰是如何提出相同的觀點:凡有世上財物的,看見弟兄窮乏,卻塞住憐憫的心,愛神的心怎能存在他裡面呢?小子們哪,我們相愛,不要只是在言語和舌頭上,總要在行為和誠實上。 (約翰一書3:17-18 )
雅各說,當我們的信仰是真誠的,我們會保持自己不沾染世俗。奇妙的是,雅各這一說法與看顧孤兒寡婦作為真信心的證據相提並論。這兩者相輔相成。但是,我們往往不是著眼於第27節不是前一半就是後一半。對於真正的信心,每個部分是必不可少的。要留意:許多宗教團體,人得到的教導說,與患難的人相交,容易污染宗教團體。但是,耶穌正就是進入那些地方,有稅吏,麻風病人,撒瑪利亞人和被困在賣淫中的人。人們說, “耶穌是一個騙局,因為他花時間跟這樣的人一起! ”但是,他一直這樣做:他聽他們"心靈的呼喊"。他呼籲他們遠離罪惡。他給予他們寬恕,並呼召他們跟隨他過一個新的生活! “他沒有像他們那樣生活,相反的,他呼召他們過一個煥然一新,更好的生活方式。但是,他關心那些處於患難中的人,花時間與他們在一起,並帶領他們得著信心。 所以,如果我們在聖經中讀到的耶穌是你的主,那你就不敢迴避人,僅僅因為你覺得他們是搞砸了生活的人。不是與世界裡的人接觸污染我們-而是參與他們的生活方式才會玷污人。我們當傾力走進世界和這些有需要的人一起,如果我們要幫助人從破壞性的生活方式中出來, 為他們禱告,給他們希望。 神呼召我們按照神的方式在這個世界上生活,從而向人們展示一種完成不同的生活方式。我們向神活,同時保持與世人的關係。你看,雅各告訴我們"不要沾染世俗",他不是說世上的人-而是世界上的惡"。雅各說,我們這些人,透過信為我們的罪而死的耶穌,就與神和好,我們就當遠離使得耶穌走上十字架上的罪。 簡而言之:如果你是真正跟隨耶穌的人,你不敢在不道德的生活方式上,或娛樂方式上高枕無憂,叫你的談話充斥粗俗和褻瀆,或在你的職業生涯中不誠實,撒謊。在你周遭接觸的世人身上,你會經歷這些事,但不要讓它們成為你生活的一部分。神所不喜悅的事,不該成為我們的娛樂或帶給我們愉悅。換句話說,我們十分肯定,接受雅各所提的挑戰的結果,一定會改變你對電視和電影的選擇。你會更加小心你所訪問的那些網站,你會改變你的閱讀習慣。我不是要求一套墨守成規的規條,但如果你遵循這些挑戰,讓神的話充滿你的思想,你的生活中就不會充斥著垃圾。你會愛人像神愛人一樣。你會喜愛與在患難中的人一同行走。但是,做的同時,你會喜悅順服上帝,因為你最深的渴望乃是討神的喜悅。 歸納總結:真正跟隨耶穌的生活不是簡單地談論我們的知道的或所有我們做的宗教的事情。不是這樣的,更多的是指我們能夠控制自己的舌頭,用它來告訴人們有關基督的事。在積極的一面,真實的信心與以下兩者美麗的結合1)一方面,用關愛的心和積極的生活與處在困境中的人一同行走。 2)另一方面,過一個跟隨上帝的生活方式,而不是世界的方式。你的信仰有多真實?它始於你承認自己的罪,祈求上帝的赦免,基於耶穌替代你,為你的罪死在十字架上為你所成就的。你必須請求耶穌來做你的救主。但是後來,你自然會問,就如同我們每個人都會問的,"我怎樣才能知道我的信心是真實的"?在神話語的光中來仔細省察我們的生活:若有人自以為虔誠,卻不勒住他的舌頭,反欺哄自己的心,這人的虔誠是虛假的。在神我們的父面前,那清潔沒有玷污的虔誠,就是看顧在患難中的孤兒寡婦,並且保守自己不沾染世俗。 雅各書1:26-27
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2014, Lake Avenue Church
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2014, Lake Avenue Church
Study Guide
What's Real - Week 7 - Study Guide
What's real
James 1:26-27
- Read Jesus' words in Matthew 7:21–23 and John 15:10–14. Then, read Paul's in Romans 1:5 and 2:6–11 and Ephesians 2:8–10. Finally, read James' in 1:26–27. How does a life with God that is begun solely through faith in Christ relate to God's insistence that those who trust Jesus must obey him?
- James boiled down some of the ways our lives are to reflect genuine faith in God. In v. 26, the first has to do with our speech. Why is this so important to him? See also James 1:19–20 and 3:3–8.
- Why do you think that orphans and widows are emphasized in v. 27? Who would be among those "in distress" in our community and in our world?
- The word translated "look after" or "care for" has to do with spiritual oversight of a person in need. It has to do with the kind of care a Christ-centered community should provide for one of its own. How should this be applied in our small groups and church gatherings?
- The other mark of genuine religion in God's eyes is "to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." What do you think this calls for practically? How will our lives be different in the 21st century if we seek to apply it?
- What is the main difference you will ask God to make in your life because of these verses?
2014 Study Series • Copyright © 2014, Lake Avenue Church