What is the difference between human anger and godly anger? In your own experience, how does “human anger” usually affect a situation? What does James tell us to do (in verse 21) in order to avoid this human anger?
What does it mean to “humbly accept the word planted in you…” (vs. 21)? Read Matthew 13:3-9, 23 and discuss how it relates to James’ words in 1:21.
What is the metaphor that James is making in verses 22-25? What is he trying to teach us through this imagery?
Why do we so often fall into the trap of simply listening to God’s Word but not doing it?
What does it mean that God’s Word is the “perfect law that gives freedom” (vs. 25)? How can a law bring freedom? Share about the ways in which God’s law has brought you freedom.
What are some practices that enable you to “look intently” into God’s word? How have you been changed by these practices? Share a specific example of how you are different because of God’s Word.