To Bring Strength for a New Year

To Bring Strength for a New Year

Sunday, January 01, 2017
Bible Questions

  • What does it matter that God is “everlasting” as we read in Isaiah 40.28?  What does this quality reveal about him and how might it influence us today?
  • Isaiah reminds us in 40.28 that God is the creator; he made everything!  How much thought have you put into this idea?  What does the fact that God made the universe mean to you?
  • Isaiah 40.29-31 are verses that have given hope to billions of people for thousands of years.  What in these verse to you find particularly encouraging?  Why?  Which images really speak to you?
  • In 40.29 and 31 Isaiah reminds us that God is the one who strengthens us.  So often we try to muster up strength by ourselves or rely on other fallible humans for our strength.  How freeing would it be in your life if you relied more and more on God for the strength only he can provide?
  • Is Isaiah 41.10 a natural consequence of the truths found in Isaiah 40.28-31?  To put it differently, if God is the eternal, caring giver of strength, then can we truly “fear not”?  If so, why then do followers of Jesus still sometimes battle fear?