The Child and the Mission
The Child and the Mission
Greg Waybright
- Isaiah 35
- Messiah Has Come Advent 2016
- 1 hr 23 mins 39 secs
- Views: 679
Study Notes
Messiah Has Come: Child and Mission
Matthew 1:18-23; 1 Timothy 1: 15
I’ve been thinking a lot about my Father this month.He passed away two years ago. My father came to faith in Jesus when he was a bit older, in his 30s, after years of being a big band musician and then a military man in World War 2. I often had the impression that my father felt he had done many things wrong in his life and then was shocked by the mercy and grace of God he experienced when he placed his faith in Jesus. Everyone who knew him, knew that one of the main characteristics of his life was that he was grateful to God. My Dad loved to hear anyone talk about the good news available to all through Jesus. He would have loved the message I will bring you today.
I say that because the testimony we hear from the Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 1:15 is so much like my father’s own. It really is a great Christmas morning text because, in it, the Apostle Paul tells us why Jesus was born. Paul wrote, "Here is a truthworthy saying that deserves full acceptance." Paul is saying that here is something every human being can stake his life on and have no fear that there will be disappointment: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." Then he adds, "Of whom I am the worst."
Look at that verse and you'll see that it speaks of two men. One is named and the other is implied. One is a man with a mission; the other is a man with a testimony. Put them together and you'll find something you can rely on in this world. So, that’s what I’m going to do today.
Person #1: A Man-Child with a Mission
V.15b. Think about that first phrase, "Came into the world." Don't you think that's a rather strange way to think about somebody's entrance into the world. Normally we talk about being brought into the world, don't we? Being born is a passive verb because, after all, birth is a passive act. None of us made a choice to be born. We just arrive.
But Paul speaks here as if Jesus were different. It's as if coming to this world was a journey He decided to make. "Christ Jesus came into the world," he says. But, let me tell you that that's precisely what Paul means to imply. And, that's the teaching of the whole Bible. Jesus was different. Jesus’ birth wasn't just an accident of fate; no, it was planned. And, He was a part of planning it.
This was a claim that Jesus made personally. I want you to imagine for a moment that you were actually with Jesus in that garden where Jesus was with a few disciples a few hours before His death. You're in the garden and you're overhearing Him praying. John 17:1‑4:
Jesus looked toward heaven and prayed: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. This is eternal life: that people know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.”
Can you imagine a sane man praying a prayer like that? Can you imagine me saying such things? But Jesus said it. It’s clear that Jesus was a man with a mission. He planned that mission and lived every day of his life in light of that mission. Jesus came to earth for a specific purpose. What was it? This is why 1 Tim. 1:15 text is such a great text. It tells us Christ's mission statement in such a straightforward way. He came "to save sinners."
So many people have developed strange ideas about why Jesus came. Some say He came to motivate us to live better or to teach us to love one another. But do you really think so? Was it just ethical motivation? Do you really think people didn't already know it would be good to love more? No, the Son of God didn't need to become flesh and come into the world just to motivate us to love.
Many have said, “Jesus came to show us what God is like.” Well, of course, Jesus did all that too. He certainly said, "He who has seen me has seen the Father." But Jesus' own verbal testimony was that his main reason for coming was not simply to show us what God is like. He said, "I have come to seek and to save lost people. I have come to give my life as a ransom for lost people."
Now, here’s the humbling part: Why do we need to be saved from something? “Save” ‑‑ it's an old fashioned word, isn't it? The idea of needing to be save turns many people off – especially successful people.
So, what does the Bible mean when Jesus says his mission was to save us? Maybe another word would help. How about this? Christ Jesus came into the world to rescue us. That's what saved means, isn't it? In fact, that's what the name Jesus means, did you know that? The angel told Mary to call Him Jesus because Jesus means "God to the rescue."
Rescue from what? What's the point? The point is quite simply that God knows we are in danger. He loves us and knows we are in trouble. Why else would you want to rescue somebody except that they are in danger? So that's what the Bible teaches. Christ Jesus came into the world to rescue sinners because sinners are in danger.
In danger of what? The consequences of sin – of those wrong things in our lives that all of us know are there. Sin destroys you. Sin is what separates you from God. God has said that this is a moral world and that He will make sure that all evil is judged.
So there is a tension, isn't there? Sin must be judged or the world is unjust. God has promised that He will do it. But the very people He loves have sinned. What a dilemma! What can God do? We're all in the mess so we can't do the rescuing. A drowning man can't pull himself out of the water by the hair. He needs someone from outside to do the rescuing. We need someone from the outside who hasn't engaged in the sin but has entered into our world. And God's found the solution to this problem. He's found a way to punish sin and rescue the sinner.
"Christ Jesus came ‑‑ He came into the world to rescue sinners." That was His mission. You and I are His mission. But you must recognize that danger you are in on your own. You must confess that you are one of those sinners who needs to be saved or you’ll never be open to being rescued.
That point brings us to my second main point.
Person #2: A Man with a Testimony
In 1 Tim 1:15, we read a first hand report of a man like us who has found that Jesus’ mission can really be accomplished in a person's life. The Apostle Paul wrote this so that we would know that the Angel’s message to Joseph, that this child would save people from sins, was not just religious talk. It's real. Many people can tell you that they've have been rescued by Jesus and Paul is one of them. "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." "Yes," says Paul. "It's true. I know it. I've experienced it for, in my estimation, I am the worst ‑‑ but He rescued me anyway."
I think if we had known Paul personally we might find it difficult to believe that he wrote those words. In the eyes of everyone who knew him, he must have come across as one of the most upright, respectable, God‑fearing sorts of people in the world. He came from the best of families. He had the best education. He was was a Pharisee, a small group known for their religious commitment. He looked to the human eye to be the best sort of individual, a real asset to the whole community. Yet he said, "I am the worst of sinners."
It's become clear to me as I've lived longer that even the most “respectable people” on the outside still know what is on their insides. We human beings can try to hide the dark parts of our lives from others. Some are very good at cover up but deep down most people know there is darkness on the inside. When we’re hones, we know that even the good things we do are often motivated by selfish goals.
And beyond this, Paul had one thing in his past that he could hardly get off his conscience ‑‑ and that was his early hatred of Christians. He had made it his life's ambition to hunt down Christians and kill them. He justified his hatred through religious arguments but it was hatred nonetheless. And maybe you have some things that you try to hide too.
But all Paul’s angry opposition to Jesus had changed, quite literally, in a flash. Paul was on his way to Damascus chasing a group of them with letters in hand ready to get them arrested. And then he met Jesus. "Who are you?" "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting." "Well, I'm not persecuting you. I don't mind you. I'm after these awful people who call themselves Christians." "Don't you see it's the same thing, Paul? I'm in these Christians. You may not know it but deep down you don't want me in your life. You dopn’t want to acknowledge your pride and sin. You don’t want to change. That's your problem."
And Paul saw it. That his problem was that he needed rescue. That he had sinned. That he needed Jesus. It wasn't just "those hypocrites", "those others" who were sinners. He was. He needed rescue. He saw it and gave His life to Jesus.
What about you on this Christmas morning? Do you acknowledge you need what Jesus gave his life to do for you? Jesus came to die -- to die to rescue you from your sins. Have you confessed your sins – your need to be forgiven and rescued? When you do, you become a person, like Paul, with a testimony.
Do you know what church should be like when we’re all honest? It’s a bit in an AA meeting. Here in 1 Tim 1:15, Paul says, "My name is Paul and I am a sinner. I confess it. I’m the worst. But, I’m a saved sinner! Jesus was born to save sinners and he’s saved me.”
That’s my testimony to you too today. That’s who I am. I, your pastor, am a sinner saved because Jesus came on a mission to save people like m – and you.
That's why the Christ child came. He came so that you and I can have a testimony, a testimony to the world. Here is a trustworthy saying, worthy of acceptance by all: Jesus came into this world to rescue sinner. I’m the worst. So, if there’s hope for me, there is hope in Jesus, for anyone.
Chinese Study Notes
這個月我時常想到我父親。他兩年前去世。我父親比較晚信主,三十歲左右。他原來是大樂團的音樂家,後來成為二戰軍人 。我記憶最深刻的是我父親覺得他在一生中犯過很多的錯。當他信靠耶穌的時候,經歷神的憐憫和恩典叫他驚詫。每個認識我父親的人,都知道他生命中一個最突出的特徵就是對神的感激。我父親喜愛聽人傳講藉著基督臨到眾民的福音。他若是健在一定會很喜愛我今天帶給你們的信息。
我這麼說的原因是因為使徒保羅在提摩太一書中的見證和我父親的見證是何等的相似。這是聖誕節早晨一段美好的經文,使徒保羅告訴我們基督為什麼降生。保羅寫道:”基督耶穌降世,為要拯救罪人。這話是可信的,是十分可佩服的。“保羅在這裡說的的是每個人都可以用生命來做抵押也不會失望的就是“ 基督耶穌降世,為要拯救罪人。”然後他接著說,“在罪人中我是個罪魁。”
第一個人: 帶著使命的人子
十五節b. 思想頭一句,“降世。”你是否覺得有點奇怪這樣來思想一個人進入世界。通常我們說人來到這個世界是用被動詞,出生是被動的,沒有一個人自己選擇出生,就這樣來了。
但是保羅說耶穌不一樣。似乎他的出生是祂決定要走的路。“基督耶穌降世,” 保羅說,這點正是保羅的意思所指,也是整本聖經的教導,就是耶穌不同與人。耶穌的出生不是命運決定,而是計劃而來,而且祂自己是計劃中的一部分。
這是耶穌親自的宣稱。你花點時間,設身處地想像一下,在他離世前幾個小時,你和耶穌同門徒一起在客西馬尼園,耳聞他的禱告。約翰福音 17:1‑4:
你可以想像一個有理性的人這樣禱告嗎?你想像我會說這樣的話嗎?但是耶穌是這麼說的。很明瞭耶穌是一個帶著使命的人。祂計畫了這一使命,並且在世的每一天祂活在這使命的光中。 這節經文直截了當告訴我們基督的使命,祂來“為要拯救罪人。”
也有很多人說,“基督來到世界要向我們顯明神是什麼樣的”。 當然耶穌所行都包攬這一切。他說過,“人看見了我,就是看見了父( 約翰14:8),但是用他自己口中的見證,他來最主要的原因不只是向我們顯明父。他說,”人子來,為要拯救失喪的人。(路加福音19:10)人子來…作多人的贖價。“( 馬可10:45)
這就委實要叫人謙卑了: “我需要從什麼當中被救出來?“救是一老套話,不是嗎?需要被救的說法叫很多人掉頭而去--特別是成功人士。
從何拯救出來?到底指什麼?簡單的說就是神知道人類處在危險當中。祂愛我們,知道我們陷入危境。若不是人處險境為什麼要拯救? 這就是聖經所教導的。基督耶穌來到世界為了拯救罪人,因為罪人活在危險境地中。
危境何在? 危境在於我們的罪帶來後果。人人都知道的自己生命當中許多錯誤的事。罪毀壞了你。罪叫我們與神分離。神說這是一個道德的世界,祂要確保一切的罪惡都要受到審判。
這就有張力了,不是嗎? 罪要受審判或者說這個世界是不公正的。神應許說祂要如此行。但是犯罪的正是祂愛的人。何等的困境!神會怎樣做?我們是一團糟糕,自身難保,無法自救。一個淹水的人無法從水中自拔出來。我們需要有人從外面救我們出水。我們需要有人從外面從來沒有犯罪的進入世界來拯救我們。神找到解決問題的辦法。祂找到一個即能審判罪惡又能拯救罪人的辦法,
耶穌基督降世-“祂來到世界為要拯救罪人" 這是祂的使命。 你我 是祂的使命。 但是你要知道自己處在危境中,必須承認自己的罪才能夠對拯救敞開。
第二個人 : 有見證的人
在提摩太前書1:15 ,ㄧ個和我們沒什麼兩樣的人,給了我們第一手資料見證在他生命中耶穌降世拯救世人是可信的,使徒保羅寫下這些是為了讓我們知道,天使對約瑟說有一嬰孩將世人從罪中拯救出來, 不只是宗教性說法 ,這事是真的。許多人可以跟你見證耶穌救了他們,保羅是其中一人:“基 督 耶 穌 降 世 , 為 要拯救罪人”保羅說:“是的, 這 話 是 可 信 的 , 我親身經歷過, 在 罪 人 中 我 是 個 罪 魁,但祂還是救了我 ”。
我想如果我們親自認識保羅,我們或許會覺得這些話不像他會寫的,保羅在眾多認識他的人中應該是被大家公認世界上最正直,最值得尊敬和最敬畏神的人之一,他受過最好的教育,是有名的宗教敬虔人士法利賽人,在世人眼中他出類拔萃,是傑出的精英,社會的財富,但他卻說:“在 罪 人 中 我 是 個 罪 魁”。
但是保羅苦害抵擋耶穌的行為卻在他去大馬色路上追殺基督徒時瞬間改變,那時他遇見耶穌,保羅問:“你是誰”?“我 就 是 你 所 逼 迫 的 耶 穌”,“我沒有逼迫你,我不在乎你,我是針對那些自稱自己是基督徒的惡人”,“保羅,你難道看不出來那是同一件事嗎?我在這些基督徒當中。你或許不知道,但你內心深處不接受我,你不想承認自己的驕傲,你的恨惡和你的罪,你不想改變,你自己就是有問題的人。
Greg Waybright 博士