The Savior Reigns

The Savior Reigns

Sunday, December 06, 2020

Small Group & Personal Devotion Discussion Questions

Read Isaiah 11:1-9

  • The first theme of Advent is Hope. How has God re-shaped your understanding of Hope this year?What are the characteristics of this “branch” who will “bear fruit” (vs. 2-5)? How does Jesus bring this prophecy to fulfillment?
  • Describe the future Kingdom depicted by the prophet in vs. 6-9. Why are the weaker animals able to rest in the presence of the stronger animals? Similarly, how does the coming of Jesus change our world today?
  • Read Isaiah 10:20-25, 33-34- 11:1. In this section, Isaiah says that the power of the Assyrians will be destroyed and God will do a new thing with the house of Jesse. Share your own stories about how God has brought redemption and peace out of a difficult situation.
  • In what areas of your life/our world do you long for peace?
  • What are the habit, practices, and rhythms that help you experience peace and live as a peacemaker?