The Kingdom of Priests

The Kingdom of Priests

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Read Exodus 19:1-6

  • What was a priest’s role in ancient Israel? How does this help us to understand God’s call to be a Kingdom of priests?
  • Read 1 Peter 2:4-5. What do these verses tell us about what it means to be a kingdom of priests? 
  • What is the significance of calling us a “Kingdom” of priests? Why would it be important for Israel (and for us) to be part of a new kingdom?
  • Read 2 Cor 5:16-21. What is the ministry that God has entrusted to us? How is this similar to what Pastor Mathew called “Bridge Building” in his sermon?
  • At the end of his sermon, Pastor Mathew invited us to write down the names of a few people in our lives who need Jesus. Think about the name(s) you wrote down. How can you serve as a bridge builder (or a priest) this week in their lives?
  • Take some time to pray for the people God has called to mind, and that God would shape us into a Kingdom of priests. Also be sure to pray for our kids at VBS this week, and for our high school students on a short term missions trip to Houston!

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