The Greatest Story Ever Told

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Sunday, September 04, 2022

The Greatest Story Ever Told in the Jewish tradition is Exodus. It is inherently connected to the Greatest Story Ever Told in the Christian tradition through the Passover lamb, sacrificed once and for all on the cross.


  • How is the exodus story relevant to our spiritual journey?
  • What is the Substance represented by the Sign (Passover) and the Symbol (Cross)?
  • When you read this familiar passage, what feels confusing, shocking, or hard to understand?
  • Read Exodus 12:1-28. This passage seems to alternate between instructions to Israel for the first Passover in Egypt, as well as instructions to future generations about how to commemorate this important moment in Israel’s history. What is the purpose of celebrating the Passover in years to come? What does the Passover communicate to us about God?
  • How is following God’s calling like following the cloud? Share about a time when following God’s calling felt like following a cloud.
  • Today we spent some extended time praying for our elected leaders. Take a moment in your small group this week to pray for them as well. You can find their names here: