Rooted Reactions

Rooted Reactions

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Read Romans 12:14-21

  • While most of us do not face harsh persecution from enemies today, there are certainly people we find ourselves at odds with. Who are the “enemies” in your life? Do you have any “enemies” in the church? 
  • This passage calls us to bless, not curse our enemies, and to leave room for God to work. Do we really believe that God will be faithful when it comes to our enemies? Is it possible to carry out these commands without that trust in God?
  • Is the harmony we are called to in this text the same thing as uniformity? What might living in harmony with people that are very different from you look like?
  • Instead of taking revenge, Paul tells us to feed and serve our enemies. Have you ever done something like this in the past? How might you practice this now with someone you are at odds with?
  • What are some ways that our Christian communities have been overcome by evil? What are some practical steps that we can take now to overcome these habits and practices with good?