ROAR: Life is Wild, God is Good

ROAR: Life is Wild, God is Good

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Questions for Reflection

Selected Verses from VBS 2019: “When life is Wild, God is Good”

  1. Read Nahum 1:7. What trouble is in your life right now? How does this verse describe God and what God can provide? How can being closer to God help protect you in this struggle?
  2. Read Psalm 23:4. What does this verse say about where God is? Does this also make you feel less scared?
  3. Read Psalm 106:1. How is God’s love described is this verse? Spend time giving thanks both for God’s character and what God has done in your life and others.
  4. Read Psalm 34:18. Notice again, where is God? Who are the broken-hearted in your life? Knowing that God is there, how can you go be there and comfort them, as well?
  5. Read Nehemiah 4:14. What can you do to be reminded that God is good and has done great things for you and others? Consider what you might put on your car dash, bathroom mirror, kitchen cabinet or screen saver. Consider setting a reminder alarm on your phone or using an app to record points of gratitude.