Sunday, June 07, 2020
Chuck Hunt
- Colossians 3:1-4 & Colossians 3:8-14
- Traits: Becoming the Family We Are
- 30 mins 16 secs
- Views: 955
Questions for Reflection
Read Colossians 3:1-4, 8-14
- What are the “things above” that Paul calls us to set our hearts and our minds on (vs. 1-4)? How do we set our hearts and minds on things above, and what will our lives look like when we do so? What do our lives look like when we set our minds and hearts on “earthly things” (vs. 2)?
- How are we called to treat the people around us in verses 8-14? Share a story of one of these traits (compassion, gentleness, patience, etc…) in action. Which of these traits is harder for you to live out?
- Pastor Chuck invited us to be refined by the work of the Spirit, to put on the new self and be “renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” (Colossians 3:10) How is God renovating your heart in this season of change?
- Pastor Chuck called us to live out this passage in three specific ways:
- We are called to Humble Ourselves, repenting for our racial bias both individually and corporately as the Church. What keeps us from humbling ourselves? How might God be inviting you personally into humility and repentance? In what ways has the church participated in racial injustice? How do we as individuals repent on behalf of the Church?
- We are called to Ask Better Questions, striving to seek understanding instead of throwing accusations. In what spaces is God inviting you to ask better questions?
We are called to Forgive. If you have been silenced and oppressed, how is God calling you to forgive? - What is God calling you to do in this season in order to participate and be part of his revival in the world around us?