Pleased, Disturbed, and Everything in Between

Pleased, Disturbed, and Everything in Between

Sunday, January 17, 2021

 Read Nehemiah 2:1-10

  • What were the emotions that Nehemiah felt in verses 1-2? What was his proposition to the King in verses 3-5? What were the risks involved in this proposition?
  • Share about a time when you were faithful to God and did something risky, even though you were scared.
  • What was the King’s response to Nehemiah’s plan? How did the others respond (vs. 10)? Share about a time when you experienced varied responses to the things God was calling you to do.
  • Nehemiah was bold and courageous in his faith. What usually holds you back from taking risks in God’s Kingdom? What is most difficult to surrender to God— for example, financial comfort, physical comfort, vocational comfort, people’s affirmation and approval, etc…?
  • What do we learn about the connection between prayer and faithful action in verses 1-10?
  • What risks might Jesus be inviting you to take in 2021? What would courageous faith look like this year? What resources will help you be faithful?