People Pursue Reconciliation
People Pursue Reconciliation
Greg Waybright
- James 5:19-20 & 2 Corinthians 5:11-21
- When Jesus Is In Charge
- 31 mins 52 secs
- Views: 1103
Pastor's Letter
People Pursue Reconciliation - Week 1
This weekend we had the priviledge as a church family to affirm the call of ministry for one of our pastors on staff.
This weekend we had the priviledge as a church family to affirm the call of ministry for one of our pastors on staff. Ordination is the formal acknowledgement and affirmation that God has called a pastor to ministry. In view of LAC, all followers of Jesus are called and sent to serve others with the gifts God has given us. The one who is ordained has been specially called to serve the church as his or her profession by equipping each one in a local congregation for works of service to the glory of God (Eph. 4:11-16; Col. 1:28-29). Pastor Roger Bosch has completed the ordination requirements and we gather as a church family to celebrate the ministry call God has already placed upon him.
Study Notes
People Pursue Reconciliation - Week 1 - Study Notes
People pursue reconciliation
James 5:17-21; James 5:19-20
We're beginning a new series here at LAC. I'm calling it, "When Jesus Is in Charge." The reason is that the hallmark of Jesus' teaching was that, when he began his ministry, the "kingdom of God was at hand" (Mk 1:14-15). By this, Jesus meant that beginning with sin entering the world in Genesis 3, other kingdoms have been at work in this world destroying what God had created. Their destructive work is especially focused on the apex of God's creation, i.e., human beings who are made in God's image. The kingdoms that compete with God's kingdom are sometimes summarized as being the world, the flesh and the devil (cf, Eph 2:2-3; 1 Jn 2:16). When those competing kingdoms rule our world and our lives, the result is brokenness. Because of them, people are broken from God, broken inside personally, broken from one another relationally, and broken from the rest of creation.
So, Jesus came to change things. Jesus came to bring God's rule, i.e., God's kingdom, back to creation. He came to end the reign of the kingdoms of this world and to bring God back into the center of our lives. The heart of the Christian message is about the sacrifice Jesus made to accomplish this.
A church is a community of people who are all professing to follow King Jesus. We say we have surrendered to his rule in our lives. When Jesus is lord, when he is in charge, things will be different. But what must change when Jesus is in charge? Many things. Today, we begin with what I consider to be the most basic change, i.e., reconciliation. Reconciliation is restoring things to their intended and proper relationship to one another. If the competing kingdoms of the world result in brokenness, then we should anticipate that the rule of God in our lives and communities will bring broken things together.
I declare to you today that God loves to bring broken things in his creation back together! Jesus came to engage in a ministry of reconciling what has been broken in his Father's world. Therefore, when Jesus is in charge of our lives, our families, our friendships and our church, we can be assured that people will be pursuing reconciliation. Roger, my charge to you tonight is to be a minister of reconciliation – and lead us as a pastor in such a way that we will be a church in which the reconciling power of God is at work.
The Starting Point: Reconciliation to God (2 Corinthians 5:9-6:2)
2 Cor 5:9-6:2 is great text, one of the clearest in the Bible about the reconciling heart of God. Notice what the Apostle Paul said: God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people's sins against them... God made him (Jesus) who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (5:19,21).
If you are new to church and don't understand all this beautiful language, then please let me know that you want to understand this better and I'll find a way to get you connected to one of our pastors or spiritual leaders. I'll simply tell you that life really begins when God comes into the center of your life. You were made to know God and he has found a way to make himself known.
The Apostle Paul is one of millions who experienced being reconciled to God. Before meeting Jesus, he tried to act like he was fine just as he was. But he wasn't. The Book of Acts describes the pre-Christian Paul as one who gave approval to the stoning of the young Christian leader Stephen. Graphically in Acts 9, we are told that Paul was a man who breathed out murderous threats against people like these Jesus-followers.
But then he met Jesus. As we know, it was an eye-opening experience -- in more than one way. Paul was forced to see himself in a new way: not just fine as he was but a sinner needing mercy. In fact, for the rest of his life, he would say he was the chief of sinners. No longer proud. No longer better than others. But ... this realization of his own sin didn't leave him feeling his life no longer had any purpose. Why? Because, he knew he was loved by Jesus Christ. Paul discovered that God knew him, valued him, was ready to forgive him – and God was even ready to use his life for good. And that changed Paul's whole life. Paul no longer lived for Paul. As he put it in v.15, "I no longer live for myself but for him to died."
He never forgot that he was a product of God's love and grace. Paul was "compelled by the love of Christ" (5:14). And that's what you and I need to remember every time we gather here. We must know as Paul knew, "If there is hope for me to be reconciled then there is hope for anyone!"
So, when Jesus is in charge, even murderous people like the Apostle Paul will find that God is ready to welcome him into relationship. And, in this same great text, Paul marveled that Jesus died not just for him "but for all." Three times in vv.14-15, Paul says that Jesus' mercy and reconciling work is "for all". Who is in that "all". Are you? Your spouse? Your neighbor?
So, here we see it? When we place our faith in Jesus and God comes into our lives, everything changes. And one of the first things to change is our eyes. We begin to see people – all people differently. Paul says in v. 16: "From now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. This is a wonderful thought. Paul is saying that he no longer saw people around him from the negative, pessimistic view of this sinful world. He began to see all people as people for whom Jesus died – "one died for all." How do we see people when we come to know Jesus? 2 Cor 5:17: If anyone is in Christ, that person is a new creation: The old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ...
Paul no longer had to look at people just as they are – with all their flaws. No, he would look at people and see them as the transformed personalities that they could become if only they would recognize who Jesus was and receive Christ into their lives. "If anyone is in Christ, that person is a new creation." A new creation, it's a wonderful phrase. When Jesus is in charge of your heart, you will know it because you, like Paul, will begin to see people in a whole new way. You will see people as people for whom Christ died. People in whom the Holy Spirit can dwell. And that is true of every human being. Do you see people that way?
So, what is a church? A church is a community of people who have been brought back into relationship with God – by God's grace, received through faith in Jesus, and accomplished by an incredibly costly act of sacrifice. This is where the King of the kingdom of God begins his transforming work: He brings flawed people like you and me us into relationship with himself and then sends us to be his agents of reconciliation.
When a local church like ours has surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus, when he is in charge, then we will be a place calling everyone to begin a beautiful journey with God through faith in Jesus. We will know that there is hope for all people – all people – because what Jesus did on the cross is sufficient for all people. As Paul put it so clearly in 5:18-21: All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
This is our calling as individuals and as a church – to be agents of God's reconciliation. In vv.18-21, we read that God gives us both a message (v.19) and ministry (v.18). Message is important because it tells us that to fulfill our calling, we have to be involved in more than silent testimony. We need to tell people about Jesus. We need to have the courage to use the name of Jesus.
But it is also ministry, which means service. When we see people hurting and damaged, we need to show them practically the love of Christ. Mission requires words and action. This message about what God has done in Christ has to be passed on with words. And the message must be "love-driven" by ministries of compassion or the message will have no authenticity. When the kingdom of God is at work among us, we will begin to see people broken from God coming from all walks of life – ALL walks of life – being welcomed to our church family, loved in the midst of their need, called to trust Jesus, and being reconciled to God.
Is there anyone you know now who needs to be made right with God? Write his or her name down right now. Then begin to pray for them. And ask God to give you a chance to engage specifically with that person in the message and ministry of reconciliation. Some will come to Jesus. That's what happens – when Jesus is in charge.
The Inevitable Result of Reconciliation to God: A Reconciling Church Family (James 5:19-20)
This brings us back to the last two verses of James' pastoral letter to his people. Many scholars have been baffled by these verses being the close of a letter. James included no final greetings or promises of prayer. Instead, he gave a challenge to his people and, I think, to us as well.
Pastor Carol Kenyon told me that when she has left her boys at college, her last words are not unimportant words. And, the final words are usually not new thoughts either. She wants to drive home the most important things, the things that she has talked with her boys about often. With that in mind, look at what James said as his last words to his people:
My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins (James 5:19-20).
Do you feel the passion of these verses? It's clear that there were much-loved people who once were in the church and apparently walking with the Lord and who were there no longer. They had wandered "from the truth" – which, as you now know from James, meant not only that they were no longer believing the truth of Scripture. Probably, much more, they were no longer living for God. And, James suggests what most of us know: When people leave the local church, they are almost always drifting away from God. The early church had no concept of a true Jesus-follower not being a part of a local church.
Many, many of us here at LAC feel with James when he writes this. We have family members and friends we love deeply who are not walking with the Lord. If you can do so right now, will you write down the names of people like this who come to your mind?
What does James call us to do? We should all be people who watch out for others in our church. Notice that James says, "If anyone should bring that person back..." Anyone. So, how will a person who is wandering come back to the Lord? Is God supposed to zap him by a lightening bolt? Will an angel appear to her? These things could happen. However, they usually don't. The normal means that God uses is "someone". Someone who has the heart of Jesus, lovingly and courageously engages the wanderer and gets him/her off the path of death and back onto the path of life.
It's not just the pastor who does this. It's not just the spouse of a wandering spouse who brings the spouse back. It's not just the parent of the wandering child bringing the child back. "Anyone". It's our ministry together. Once again, Pastor Carol helped me grasp the beauty of being in a church like James envisions. She asked, "Do you know how we feel when someone else goes and shows love to our child and then he comes back to the Lord?" Well – I do know. I've experienced other people in the church working hard to bring back to the Lord people I love – but, for whatever reason, I was unable to reach. I love those people who cared enough to reach people I love.
This is what is to happen in a church when Jesus is in charge. We make sacrifices to get to know one another – by serving together and being in small groups together. I urge you to find a smaller group to be a part of and a place to serve. I promise you, once you get rolling with this, you will love it. When you are involved in these ways, you'll begin to know when people are wandering from the truth. And, with much prayer and some sacrifice, God will use you to bring people back.
Why am I so sure of that? I'm so sure because God loves to bring broken things in his creation back together! He especially loves to see human beings, broken human beings, being brought back together. A church in which Jesus is in charge pursues reconciliation. We should love to show mercy and welcome people to God's family because God loves to show mercy and welcome people to his family.
When you step into a broken world and seek to be ambassadors of God's reconciliation, you can be assured that the Wind of God's Spirit will be blowing in your direction. Those who have been incarcerated will find freedom and a place of belonging. Those who have been proud of their own success (like Paul was) will find the joy of humility as they experience the love of God. Those who have gone astray will be welcomed home. That's what will happen when Jesus is in charge.
Ordination is the formal acknowledgement and affirmation that God has
called a pastor to "vocational ministry". At LAC, we believe all followers of Jesus are
called and sent as "ministers", that means, as people sent to serve others utilizing the gifts God gives to us. The one who is ordained has been specially called to serve the church as his or her profession by equipping each one in a local congregation for works of service to the glory of God (Eph. 4:11-16; Col. 1:28-29). Roger has completed the ordination requirements and we gathered last night as a church family to celebrate the ministry call God has already placed upon Roger Bosch.
To His glory,
Dr. Greg Waybright
Senior Pastor
我們開始一個新的系列信息,在未來幾年裡,我們會常常回到這個信息。我把這個信息稱為:當耶穌掌權時。理由是,耶穌的教導有一個標誌,就是當祂開始祂的工作時,“神的國就近了。”(馬可福音1:14-15)。因此,耶穌的意思是,在創世記3章罪進入世界以後,在這個世界上的其他的國都在破壞神所創造的東西。它們的這種破壞性工作主要集中在破壞神在創造高峰所造的——就是按照祂的形象所造的人。這些與神的國相爭的國,常常被概括為世界、肉體和魔鬼(以弗所書2:2-3;約翰一書2:16)。當那些相爭的國統治我們的世界和我們的生命,結果就是破裂。因為這些,我們就與神破裂,自己裡面也破裂,人與人之間也破裂,與其他的創造物也破裂。 因此,耶穌來改變這些。耶穌帶來神的統治,就是神的國,就是回到起初的創造。耶穌,是神唯一的獨生子,是神國的王。祂來終結世界的國的統治,把神帶回我們生命的中心。基督教的核心就是耶穌通過十字架完成這個工作。 教會就是一個團體,這裡所有的人公開宣稱自己跟隨耶穌。我們說我們願意讓祂管理我們的生命。耶穌是所有教會的頭(以弗所書1:16-23;哥林多前書1:18-23)。當耶穌是主的時候,當他掌權的時候,事情就變得不同。那麼,當耶穌掌權時,一定會出現什麼變化呢?這個問題就引發我們來學習今天這個系列信息。今天,我們從最基本的主題入手,就是關於“和好”的問題。假如這個世界相爭的國導致破裂,我們或許盼望神在我們的生命和團體的統治能夠恢復破裂的關係。 那麼,和好是什麼意思?和好就是事物之間恢復本來的、正確的關係。假設朋友之間打架,他們之間的友誼到了破裂的邊緣。他們不再彼此講話;關係很尷尬,朋友最後成了陌生人——他們曾經有的一些美好的東西消失了。他們之間就需要和好,和好就是關係的恢復,就是和諧與友誼的恢復。請注意:調解人,是一個勇敢的獻身者——為了恢復關係他願意做任何事。 我告訴你,神願意祂的創造物之間和好!耶穌來做和好的工作,來恢復天父的世界裡破裂的關係。當耶穌掌管我們的生命,我們的家庭,我們的朋友關係,我們的教會,我們能確定,人們將尋求和好。我們今天將思考兩點內容:
起始點: 與神和好(哥林多後書 5:9-6:2)
如果神真的願意恢復我們之間破裂的關係,你可以確信兩件事:1)我們會看到神尋找因為罪與祂關係破裂的人,並把我們召回。 2)祂希望那些已經與神很好的人再去召喚其他的人與神恢復正確的關係。 這就是我們在今天這些重要的經文中所看到的,這些經文是聖經中有關和好的最清楚的經文之一。請注意使徒保羅是怎樣說的:這就是神在基督裡,叫世人與自己和好,不將他們的過犯歸到他們身上……神使那無罪的(耶穌),替我們成為罪,好叫我們在他裡面成為神的義(5:19,21)。 假如你第一次來教會,不明白這些美好的語言,如果你想弄明白,請讓我知道,我會設法讓你和我們的一位牧師或者屬靈領袖聯絡。我簡單告訴你,只有當神成為你生命的中心,你的生命才真正開始。你被造是為了認識神,並且祂已經給你一個方法讓你認識祂。 使徒保羅是在千百萬人中經歷與神和好的一位。他在遇見耶穌以前,曾試圖活著若無其事,卻不然。使徒行傳中形容成為基督徒之前的保羅是一個站出來允許用石頭打死年輕的基督徒領袖司提反的人。使徒行傳9章告訴說保羅對跟隨耶穌的人口吐威嚇兇殺的話。他為什麼要這麼做?因為,在腓立比書3章他親自的見證,說他以為他所做的在自己眼裡是對的事:他是個受過高等教育的人,是民中新興的領袖,他來自望族,出於最虔誠的流派,而他所做的一切,都中規中矩,在律法上說無可指摘。 ......林前5:15 節他如此說"我為自己而活”。 但後來他遇見耶穌。正如我們所知,這是一個大開眼界的經歷- 但不只是一種方式。他迫使從一個全新的角度來看自己:一個需要恩典的罪人。不再驕傲。不再覺得自己比別人好。但是......這並沒有使他變成一個覺得自己一文不值,不想活下去了。為什麼呢?因為面對基督的愛,保羅發現神認識他,珍貴他,預備好赦免他- 神甚至預備要使用他的生命來成全美善的事。而這改變了保羅的一生。他不再為了保羅而活。所以,實際上,他在15這裡說,“我不再為自己而活,乃是為了替他們死而復活的主活。" 他從來沒有忘記自己是神的愛和恩典造成的。保羅是被“基督的愛”(5:14)所激勵。而這就是你和我每次聚集在這裡需要牢記的。我們要像保羅所知的那樣,“如果我都有希望與神和好,那麼任何人也都有希望!” 所以,當耶穌掌權時,甚至兇殺者有如保羅的,都會發現神預備好迎接人進入與神的關係中。在這段同樣偉大的經文中,保羅驚嘆耶穌不但替他死,而是"替眾人死"。 ” 在14-15節中,保羅說,耶穌的恩典和和好的工作乃是"為了眾人"。 誰是"眾人"? 是你嗎?你的配偶?你的鄰居嗎? 所以,在這裡我們看到了嗎?當我們把信仰建立在耶穌之上,神進入我們的生活,一切都變了。改變我們的第一件事情就是我們的眼睛。我們開始看人- 看所有的人都不同了。保羅在第16節:“從現在開始,我們不再從一個世俗的角度看待任何一個人。這是一個奇妙的思想”。保羅說的是,他不再用消極悲觀的眼光看待罪中世界他周圍的人。他開始看到所有的人,都是耶穌為了他們而死的人。 - “一人替眾人死。 ”我們認識耶穌的時候,怎樣看人呢? 聽聖經的話說,一段讓人常常背誦的令人喜悅的經文之一,林後5:17:若有人在基督裡,他就是新造的人:舊事已過,都變成新的了!一切都是出於神,藉著基督與他和好......
保羅不再看人,像以往那樣不得不看人所有的缺點。不,他會看到人改變的性格和將要成為的那個人,只要他們認識耶穌是誰,並接受基督進入他們的生活。 “若有人在基督裡,他就是新造的人。”一個新的創造,這是一個美妙的句子。帶著奇妙的感覺。當耶穌掌管我的心,我就會知道,因為我就像保羅一樣開始用一個全新的眼光來看人。我看人為耶穌替他們死的人。這些人是聖靈可以居住其中的人。可以成為新造的人。對我們周圍的每一個人類都是真實的。你是這樣看人嗎? 所以教會是什麼呢?教會正是由一群與神和好的人組成的—因著神的恩典,籍著對耶穌的信心,並且通過一種令人難以置信的無價的自我犧牲而獲得。 這正是神國的君王開始祂改變工作的地方:他使像你我這樣有缺陷的人與他恢復關係,然後差派我們成為勸人與他和好的管道,去呼召人們首先與神和好,再彼此和好。 當像我們這樣的地方教會順服耶穌為主的時候,也就是當他掌權的時候,我們就成為一個地方,呼召每個人因著信耶穌而開始的與神同行的美好旅程。我們會知道所有的人都存著盼望—所有的人—因為耶穌在十架上成就的恩典是夠所有人用的。正如保羅在5章18至21節清楚表明的:“一切都是出於神,他籍著基督使我們與他和好,又將勸人與他和好的職分賜給我們。這就是神在基督裡叫世人與自己和好,不將他們的過犯歸到他們身上,並且將這和好的道理託付了我們。所以,我們作基督的使者,就好像神籍我們勸你們一般。我們替基督求你們與神和好。神使那無罪的,替我們成為罪,好叫我們在他裡面成為神的義。” 這就是我們作為個人與作為教會接受的呼召—去成為神與人和好的管道。在18-21節中,我們讀到神給了我們信息與事工。信息很重要,因為它告訴我們去完成呼召,我們不能僅僅停留在安靜的見證中。我們需要告訴人們關於耶穌的事。我們需要有勇氣來使用耶穌的名。 但這也是職分,意味著事工。當我們看到有人受傷或受損,我們需要向他們切實地表達基督的愛。耶穌是我們的榜樣!宣教需要話語和行動。這個道理是,神在基督裡所成就的需要被傳遞下去。這個道理必須是被熱心的事工“用愛驅動”,並且這個道理含有真實性。當人們在世上只經歷壞消息時,我們一定要告訴並讓他們看見一些好消息。當神的國在我們當中做工時,我們會看到來自各行各業的,與神隔絕的人們—各行各業—被歡迎來到我們的教會家庭中,在他們的需要上被關愛,被呼召相信耶穌,與神和好。 現在有沒有一些你所認識的,需要與神和好人?有沒有那些一提起他們你就會說“那傢伙一團糟。我不同意他對任何事情的看法。他讓我心煩。”停止對他的抱怨吧。現在就把他或者她的名字寫下來。開始為他們禱告。求神給你一個機會使那個人具體地接觸到和好的道理和職分。有些人會歸向耶穌。當耶穌掌權時—這就會發生。
與神和好的必然結果:一個和解的教會家庭(雅各書5:19-20) 這把我們帶回到雅各牧師寫給他的會眾的書信的最後兩節。我只能淺談雅各所說的。但讓我這樣介紹他的話:有許多學者對以這幾節經文作為書信的結尾而感到困惑。雅各書的結尾沒有最後的問候和禱告的承諾。雅各反而向他的會眾提出一個挑戰,我認為也是向我們。 Carol Kenyon牧師對我說當她的兒子們離開上大學的時後,她最後的幾句話不是無足輕重的。但通常也不新鮮。她想說明白最重要的事。她告訴我她所說的總是那些她和兒子們反復提及的話。這樣我們就明白了,對於神來說,把破碎的東西重整這件事是多麼得重要,我們可能也明白了為什麼雅各要以這個提醒來結束他的書信: 我的弟兄們,你們中間若有失迷真道的,有人使他回轉。這人該知道叫一個罪人從迷路上轉回,便是救一個靈魂不死,並且遮蓋許多的罪。 (雅各書5:19-20) 你感受到這些經文裡的激情嗎?顯而易見的是,許多神深愛的人曾一度在教會中,並且與主同行,然而現在他們卻不在了。他們“失迷真道”—正如你從雅各書中了解到的,這並不是單純地在說他們不再相信經文的真理了,更可能是他們不再為神而活了。並且雅各說出我們大多數人都明白的:當人們離開當地的教會,他們基本上就是離開神了。早期教會不認可這樣的概念:一個真正的耶穌追隨者卻不是當地教會的一員。 我們LAC的許多人對雅各寫的這些內容深有同感。一些我們深愛的家庭成員和朋友們沒有在與主同行。如果現在可以的話,你可不可以寫下這些你想到的人的名字? 當一個人開始離開神和教會時,這非常嚴重!神告訴我們,在人生旅途中,我們只能行在其中一條路上:一條是以神為中心的,另一條是不以神為中心的。當我們與神的關係正確時,我們行在生命的路上。當我們離開神,我們就行在通向死亡的路上。 (見20節)離開神的那條路通向許多罪—不僅對於個人而言,也對於那些被他的生活接觸到的人而言。如果一個人離開了教會,他也不會帶他的孩子來教會。原因是:我們的生命會影響到他人。當我們與神同行時,我們會領他人歸向神。當我們離開神,我們會領他人走同樣的道路。這是雅各表達的一個非常非常重要的信息。 雅各告訴我們該做什麼?在教會中我們都應該留心他人。注意雅各說道:“有人使他回轉…”有人。所以,怎樣使一個迷失的人回轉歸向主?神應該用閃電擊死他嗎?會有天使向她顯現嗎?這些也有可能發生。我不否認。但一般不會。神通常使用的方法是“人”。有人有基督的心,充滿愛心,勇敢地去接觸那些迷失者們並帶他們脫離死亡之路,領他們回到生命之路上來。 不是只有牧師才做這件事。不是只有那個迷失者的配偶才帶他回來。不是只有那些迷失的孩子們的父母才領他們回來。 “任何人”。這是我們共同的職分。再一次,Carol牧師幫我領悟到了身處在雅各所設想的那種教會之中的美好。她問道,“你知道當別人向我們的孩子顯示愛心,孩子回到了主身邊時是什麼感受嗎?”好吧—我的確是知道的。我經歷過教會的其他人努力將一些我愛的人們帶回到主身邊—但是出於種種原因我不能夠接近他們。我愛這些人。 當耶穌掌權時,這些就會在教會裡發生。我們做出犧牲來認識彼此—通過一起同工,在同一個小組裡。我敦促你找到並加入一個小一些的組,並在那裡服事。我向你保證,一旦你開始這樣做,你會愛上它。當你參與到這些事工中來,一旦有人失迷真道,你就越來越能夠察覺到他們。用一些禱告和犧牲,神會使用你把人們帶回來。 為什麼我這麼確定?我如此確定是因為神喜愛把祂創造裡的破碎的東西重整起來!祂特別喜愛看到人類,破碎的人類,被重整。這是神給我們的命令。 1)祂給了我們道理,人們如何與祂和好,彼此和好。 2)祂給了我們職分,帶人們與神和好,與人和好。一個耶穌掌權的教會追求和解。我們喜愛施憐憫,歡迎人們來到神家,因為神喜愛施憐憫並歡迎人們回到祂的家裡來。 我深信當我們進入一個破碎的世界中來並尋求做一個和解者時,比如神和解的使者,我們可以肯定神聖靈的風會帶領我們的方向。那些被囚禁的人們將會找到自由和新的歸屬地。當經歷到神的愛時,那些以自我成功為傲的人(像曾經的保羅)將會找到謙卑的喜樂。那些走入迷途的人將會被歡迎回家。這些就是當耶穌掌權時將會發生的。
Greg Waybright • Copyright 2014, Lake Avenue Church
Study Guide
People Pursue Reconciliation - Week 1 - Study Guide
People Pursue Reconciliation
James 5:19-20
- Read 5:19-20. Why are these words so important that James chose to end his letter with them? In what ways would obedience to the text reflect the heart and ways of Jesus?
- James' words suggest that one of the surest ways to know that a person is "wandering from the truth" is that he leaves the church. Why? How do you know if a person wanders off from the church? Can you detect the signs when people are disconnected or dissatisfied with the church?
- How have you ever wandered from the faith or seen others do so? What are some of the causes that give us excuses to wander from God's path?
- Who is called upon to bring people back to the Lord and to the church in v.19? If we all sought to obey James' words, what would that kind of obedience change in the church?
- In v. 20, James calls us to remember something. (James followed the Old Testament teaching that people are either on a path of life that centers on God or a path of death that centers on self.) Put his words into 21st Century language. How could this verse change your life and the lives of those around you?
- What can you do to keep people better connected in the church? What might you do to reach out to those who engage in sin and/or leave the church?
- What would the church look like if we all grew in showing the kind of courageous love called for in these verses? What would it take to make this happen? What will you do about it?