Greg Waybright
- Isaiah 8:19 & Isaiah 9:7
- Down to Earth - Advent According to Isaiah
- 33 mins 25 secs
- Views: 716
Small Group Questions
Read Isaiah 8:19-9:7
- Peace is sometimes described as the absence of war, but it can also mean much more. What are some ways that you have experienced peace or an absence of peace in your life?
- Verse 2 says that the people walking in darkness have seen a great light. What did it mean for the people who lived before Jesus to be walking in darkness? What are some ways that we are still walking in darkness today?
- In verse 6, four names are given for the child who is born. What do these names tell us about God? What do they tell us about Jesus, the child that we look to at Christmas?
- Verse 7 claims that God's justice, righteousness, and peace will reign forever. To what extent has this promise already been fulfilled? To what extent are we still looking forward to this promise?
- What good does this message of God's coming peace do for us now? What are some ways that we need to experience God's peace this Advent season?
Study Notes
Down to Earth: Peace
Isaiah 8:19 - 9:7
I have one declaration from God to give to you today at the start of this message:
Unto us a child is born (Isaiah 9:6)!
With that declaration in mind, let’s turn to today’s topic, the third weekend of Advent, the weekend we remember that when Jesus came down to earth he came to bring us peace.
The Topic: Peace
In our first two Advent weekends, we’ve focused first on Jesus coming to bring hope and second to bring joy. Pastor Jeff and I both mentioned that the way the Bible uses those words is quite different from the way we usually use them. The same is true of the word peace. When we speak of peace, we often think of the absence of war. And, it surely is that. However, in the Bible, peace is that and much more.
The Hebrew word in the Bible for peace is shalom. Peace/shalom is a term about relationships. We have peace when every kind of relationship we can have as human beings is the way God intended it to be. Peace refers to our own inner existence being whole, i.e., no anxiety, duplicity, fear or depression. Shalom is when our marriage, family, and friendship relationships are all they should be – with no hate or brokenness whatsoever. In other words, when all relationships are exactly the way God means for them to be, we experience shalom. I wonder: Would you like to experience shalom in your life today?
As we turn to the book of Isaiah, we see that his people were not experiencing shalom. And, Isaiah tells them what God will do to change that. Let’s begin by seeing how bad it was for them almost 2,800 years ago.
The Problem: Death-darkness
The last word in Isaiah 8 is a Hebrew word that puts two troubling realities into one word (Hebrew, salmawet), i.e., death and darkness. Isaiah in 8:21 describes people’s daily lives as being characterized by being distressed. He says they wander and roam through their lives not really knowing why they are doing what they are doing. And in v.22, he says people are looking toward the earth frustrated and trying to find guidance but seeing only “distress and fearful gloom.” Can you empathize with what he is saying? They are in a situation in which they just don’t know what to do – and they don’t know where to turn. It’s “death-darkness” – stumbling through a situation but not seeing what might be right and what might be wrong; living but feeling almost as if you are dead. Thinking, “Where is all this going to lead?” Have you ever been in that kind of place?
What was happening was that a powerful enemy nation was about to invade from the north and carry people into exile. Isaiah prophesied this as a young man. In Isaiah 9, that invasion was only a few short years away.
The Cause: Self-determination
The kings of Israel and Judah knew that these threats from other nations were real. And they were trying to solve this problem for their people. But, in their problem-solving, they left God out. To help you relate to the situation, let me show you a map:
On the map, you can see the huge and mighty superpower of Assyria to the north and the other superpower, Egypt to the south. As those nations vied for domination, you can also see that Israel and Judah are right between them. These smaller nations were always trying to find allies to help with the battles. As you read the book of Isaiah, a period that lasts about 60 years, throughout his life, Isaiah watched as the kings tried to set up alliances with Assyria or with Egypt or with one another – constantly leaving God out of their plans.
In Isaiah 7, God sent Isaiah to tell King Ahaz not to set up an alliance with Assyria. God said, “Trust me. I will protect you. To prove it, ask me for a sign – any sign – and I will give it as proof that I am to be trusted.” But, Ahaz had already made his decision. He wouldn’t ask for a sign because he already knew what he wanted to do. If God had told you, “Don’t worry about these superpowers. Just trust me and don’t make those alliances” -- What would you have done? I think all of would have been tempted to do what Ahaz did.
And, it’s clear that the way Ahaz made decisions, i.e., without reference to Jehovah God, was the way people in general made decisions. They looked everywhere for guidance – everywhere but to God. Look at 8:19-20: “You consult mediums and spiritists. Should you not consult God? Consult God’s instruction and words of warning. If anyone does not do so, they will have no light of dawn!”
They did not do so -- and it left them in “death-darkness”. They blamed their leaders. They blamed God and were enraged at him. But, they would not turn to him in faith and seek his ways. What does God do?
The Gift: A Child
Isaiah 9 opens with a strong word, i.e. Nevertheless! In spite of human self-centeredness and stubbornness, God is who he says he is, i.e., a God of grace. He gives us the chance to return. He is always read to forgive, to restore and renew those who turn to him. Even though their own arrogance and bull-headedness had gotten had gotten themselves into this mess, God still loved his people and refused to leave them without a means of rescue. So, he says, “Nevertheless!” – the “fearful gloom” of 8:21 will turn to “no more gloom” in 9:1. Those who had been “thrust into a place of death-darkness” (8:22) will see “the dawning of the light” (9:2).
What we read in 9:1-5 provides the flow of the Advent Season we have been following this year:
- Week 1: In the midst of darkness, there is always hope for God’s people (9:1-2). The light will dawn.
- Week 2: That hope flows into joy (9:3-4). So, we read, “You have increased the nation’s joy. They rejoice before you!”
- The joy ultimately results in this week’s message, i.e., peace, in shalom (9:5-7). There will be no more war. God will win the battle. There will be a kingdom of peace that never ends (9:7).
How would God set them free? A bigger military. A political coup? No, through the birth of a child. See 9:6 -- To us a child is born; to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.
For the 3rd time in three chapters, God speaks of a child being born as being the source hope of his salvation (7:14, 8:3 and now 9:6). And, other children, of course, were born in Isaiah’s lifetime and afterward. King Ahaz ‘s wife gave birth to his successor as king, i.e., Hezekiah. Isaiah’s wife gave birth to two sons. But, it soon becomes clear that those children did not completely fulfill God’s prophecy.
Even though Isaiah had prophesied about a child being born both in ch. 7 & 8, this is his first description of the child who be born and would be “God with us” (7:14). Isaiah tells us about him through giving us four names. In Hebrew culture, to know the name meant to know something essential to a person’s character and identity. In his prophecy, Isaiah lets us know about this child through four names:
- Wonderful Counselor
The word translated “wonderful” referred to a person who did supernatural things. It’s used 80 times in the OT, almost all of them referring to what God alone can do. As King Ahaz and others were trying to seek guidance only from human sources, Isaiah says that a child will be born who is a "wonder of a counselor" or “miracle-working counselor”. In other words, the counsel of this child transcends human wisdom.
- Mighty God
The word “mighty” was a military term for a victorious and heroic warrior. It’s a word for what movie makers today would use for a Jedi warrior. How would little Judah every survive when military powers like Assyria and Egypt would be marching through their land? The needed a mighty warrior – one with the power of God himself. This is the child who will be able to bring about the victory foretold in 9:5: Every warrior’s boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire --for to us a child is born… The victory Isaiah talks about there is a victory that people did not win. It was God who acted. Don’t you ever feel you need someone who has more wisdom than you possess and, not only knows what to do, but has the power to accomplish it. In times of “death-darkness”, we need a miracle-working counselor AND a mighty God.
- Everlasting Father
The child who is born is called an everlasting Father. It sounds a lot like what Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I am (Jn 8:58)!” The idea of “father” here is referring to the kind of person who does what a good father is supposed to do. For the many in our world who have not had good fathers, this may be hard to grasp – but I think you can imagine it. The good, good father is one who is concerned, one who cares deeply, and one who is willing to discipline out of love – who wants the best for his child.
And, child who is a father is also “everlasting” as only God can be. He won’t come and go. He will both care for us and will never leave us or forsake us. He’ll be concerned when his children are poor or homeless or in prison. He will care when his children are in mental or emotional distress.
- Prince of Peace
When you see the word “prince” here, you shouldn’t think of Prince Harry or Prince William who have what are largely honorary responsibilities. The prince in Isaiah’s world was the one who led and administrated the king’s agenda, especially carried the strategies of battles and, when the war was over, the establishment of peace. So, this prince, according to the prophecy will establish a peace, a shalom, that will never end. He will bring about a kingdom of justice and righteousness that will last forever (9:7).
So -- Who is this child? Isaiah gives us a few hints. In v. 1 he will bring honor to Galilee of the Nations. What child grew up in Galilee and brought about a result that goes to all nations? In v. 9, Isaiah says he will reign on David’s throne. What child was born through David’s line? This carol comes to mind: What child is this Who, laid to rest, on Mary’s lap is sleeping? The King of Kings, salvation brings. Let’s loving hearts enthrone him. This, this is Christ, the King! Haste, haste to bring him praise: The Babe, the son of Mary.
The “So What”? Fix Your Eyes and Life on Jesus
What does this prophecy of 2,800 years ago say to us here in Southern CA? I’ve been asking the Lord about that all week. And, his answer is that he sent me person after person – both inside our church and outside – going through times that feel like “death-darkness”. I will not break any confidences now. And, if any of the examples I mention seem like I’m talking about you, please know that no family member or friends have called me and told me to preach about you. No, these are the kinds of things happening in this time of Advent – when Jesus has come and started his work but has not returned to complete it. What issues have come to me?
- Failure again – A parishioner of many years ago called after failing in an area of his life that he thought he had gained victory over. He didn’t know how to deal with that. He didn’t know what to do. He felt like he was in spiritual death-darkness – and that he would never become a “good Christian”.
- Family issues – It’s become clear to me this week that we don’t have many “perfect families” here in the San Gabriel Valley. In this season that should be characterized by joy, there seems to be an escalation of spouses leaving, of children wrestling with depression, of parents being controlling, of grandparents dying, of the bills exceeding family income, etc. etc. I’ll just tell you that each of the issues brought to me has been very, very weighty. People feel they are in a time of “death-darkness” and don’t what to do next. Maybe, you’re in one of those too.
And, lest I as your Sr. Pastor come across to you today as one thinking I am the miracle-working counselor of Is 9:6, God allowed me to experience a situation that I feet is overwhelming. A fellow pastor, Matt Barnes of the First Baptist Church in Alhambra, knew I was going into a complex meeting so he texted me: “I don’t know what the issue is but how did it go?”
I texted him back: “I don’t know what to do, Matt. I need a miracle-working Counselor. I need a mighty God. I need an everlasting Father who will enter into this and not leave until its done. I need a prince who will take it over and not stop until there is peace.”
Would you like to know what young Pastor Barnes texted me back? He texted: “Unto us a child is born.”
His message to me – and that of God’s Word to us all – is that Jesus can handle the situation. People walking in darkness see a great light when we look to him. I believe that. But, I imagine that you might wonder, “How does that work? Do I just say, ‘I’ll trust Jesus’ and then – poof – the difficulty goes away?”
Let me tell you how I seek to walk through those times of death-darkness by looking to this child who was born. I have learned to start by doing the opposite of what King Ahaz and the people of Judah did in their dark time. They sought guidance from everyone but God.
In other words, I turn to God’s Word and, consciously and intentionally, surrender my mind and will to whatever I see there. I also often consult with Jesus-following people whom I know and trust. I’m not saying that I ignore good books about counseling and decision-making. But, I submit the advice in those places to what I see in God’s Word.
Then, I go to prayer and pray – often with great fervency – something like this: “Lord, I don’t know what to do next but I know you do. I want to do whatever you want me to do. Show me your way.”
I must confess that, often, when I pray like that, guidance usually doesn’t come as quickly as I would like. God usually doesn’t operate on my timetable. But, my experience after my many years of walking with the Lord, is that I have eventually been able to discern at least one thing that is consistent with God’s Word -- and might be a step toward the light. Often, it’s just one thing. And I take that step trusting that, in his time, he will show me what the second step might be. This past week, I’ve thought back to the many, many times that I’ve done that –and, let me tell you, God has faithfully proven to be both provider, and rescuer. In the darkness, I couldn’t see it – but I could see him.
I’ll also confess that this usually isn’t the way I want things to work. I’d rather have God give me the whole map with each turn and each stop identified before I move forward. But, almost always, I feel like Jesus says to me, “That isn’t how I’ll work this time. Here’s what I’ll do: I’ll get into the passenger’s seat – and, when it’s time, I’ll tell you when to turn.
The Personal Question God’s Word Asks: Have you given over to this child the government of your life? Only then can you know the reality of God’s supernatural counsel. Only then can you know the reality of the Mighty God being with you. Only then can you wait knowing that he will never leave you nor forsake you. Only then will you realize that he is orchestrating than you could ever ask or even imagine – even in the darkest of times. Jesus, and Jesus alone, is the prince who brings peace.
So, as Isaiah declared to his people and Matt Barnes declared to me, I now declare to you on this third week of Advent:
Unto us a child is born. He is the prince of peace.
Chinese Study Notes
在以賽亞書第七章,神差遣以賽亞去告訴亞哈斯王,讓他不要與亞述為伍。神說:“信靠我,我必保護你。為了證明這一點,你可以向我求一個印證 ---- 任何印證 ---- 我必應允你,以此讓你知道,我是可信靠的。”但是,亞哈斯已經做出了決定,他不會向神求印證,因為他知道自己想要做什麽。如果神告訴你,“不要懼怕這些強權勢力,只要信靠我,不要與他們結盟”,你會怎樣做?我猜大概所有人都會像亞哈斯那樣去做。
在以賽亞書第九章的開頭,以“但“這個轉折詞為開始,盡管人類以自我為中心、又固執己見,神永遠是一位有恩典的神。祂給我們回頭的機會。對那些回轉歸向祂的人,祂永遠都赦免並更新他們。即使是因著他們自己的傲慢和固執己見才到如此地步,神仍舊愛他們,不將他們棄絕於無望之地。所以祂說:”但!” ---- 8:21所說的“可怕的幽暗”將變為9:1中所說的“不再見幽暗”。那些“被趕入烏黑的黑暗中”的人們將會看到“大光”(9:2)。
- 第一周:在黑暗之中,神的子民永遠有希望(9:1-2)。大光即將來臨
- 第二周:那希望帶給人喜樂(9:3-4)。“你加增這國民的喜樂。他們在你面前歡喜!”
- 這喜樂帶給了我們這周的信息,就是平安(9:5-7)。不會再有戰爭,神會贏得戰爭,地上會有永存的平安之國(9:7)。
(7:14, 8:3和9:6)。
- 奇妙的策士
- 全能的神
“全能”這個字,是用來描述戰無不勝的勇士的詞。當代的電影會用這個詞語來描述絕地武士。當亞述和埃及這樣的軍事力量肆虐於他們的土地之時,一個小小的猶大將如何生存下去?他們需要一個大能的勇士,一個有著神的能力的勇士。這個嬰孩,能夠帶來9:5所預言的勝利:戰士在亂殺之間所產帶的盔甲,並那滾在血中的衣服,都必作為可燒的,當作火柴 ---- 因為有一嬰孩要為我們而生 ---- 以賽亞所說的勝利,並不是人所贏得的,而是神所為的。你是否曾經覺得,你需要一個比自己有更多智慧的人,他不單知道該做什麽,也有能力去成就它。在“全然的黑暗”之中,我們需要一個行神跡的策士,和一位全能的神。
這個剛出生的嬰孩卻被稱為永在的父。 這聽起來很像耶穌所說的:“我實實在在地告訴你們:還沒有亞伯拉罕就有了我。(約翰福音8:58)!”這裏的“父”這個概念,指的是一個做“好父親”當行之事的人。 對於那些在世上不曾有過好父親的人來說,對此可能很難明白,但你可以想象得到:善良的父親是一個關心人的人,一個深具愛心的人,一個願意為了愛而管教孩子的人,是一個希望將最好的給予孩子的人。
當你在這裏看到“君(王子)”這個詞時,你不應想到享有榮耀之位的哈裏王子或威廉王子。在以賽亞的時代中,王子是領導和管理國王每日工作事項的人,尤其,他們是戰爭的策劃執行者,並在戰爭結束後,負責建立和平。 所以,按照預言,這個王子將建立一個永不會終止的和平之國。 他將帶來一個永遠公平與公義的國度(9:7)。
- 再次失敗 ---- 多年前,有一個會友,在他自以為可以得勝的人生領域中失敗了, 他不知道如何處理,不知道該怎麽做。他覺得自己好像全然陷在屬靈的黑暗之中,認為自己永遠不會再成為一名“好基督徒”。
- 家庭問題 ---- 在這一周裏,我意識到,在聖蓋博山谷地區,並不存在很多“完美的家庭”。在這個應當喜樂的季節裏,似乎配偶離異的情況有所增加;孩子們在抑郁癥中掙紮;父母受控;祖父母去世;需要交付的賬單超出家庭收入,等等。我想告訴你,人們帶到我這裏來的每一個問題都是非常非常嚴重的。 人們覺得自己正處於“全然的黑暗”之中,並且不知道將如何行。也許,你也是其中之一。
我擔心身為主任牧師,有人會認為,我如同以賽亞書9:6中所說的,是行神跡的策士。然而神允許我經歷了一個奇妙的狀況。阿罕布拉第一浸信教會的馬特·巴恩斯牧師(Matt Barnes)知道我正準備參與一個復雜的會議,於是他給我發短信說:“我不知道你面對的是什麽問題,那邊情況怎樣?
我回短信給他說:“我不知道該怎麽辦,馬特。 我需要一位行神跡的策士,我需要一個全能的神,我需要一個永在的父,來介入這件事,直到完成之時。我需要一個和平的君來掌管這事,直到神的平安到來為止。“
你想知道年青的巴恩斯牧師給我發的短信是什麽嗎? 他發短信說:“有一個嬰孩為我們而生。”
他給我的信息,以及神對我們所有人說的話,都是在告訴我們:耶穌可以處理這種情況。 當人們定睛看祂時,行在黑暗之中的人就看到了大光。這是我所相信的。但是,我想你可能會有疑慮:“那是怎樣運作的呢? 難道我只需要說,“我信靠耶穌”,然後,噗的一下,一切困難都頓時消失無蹤?
讓我告訴你,我是如何藉著定睛在這個降世嬰孩的身上,才得以行過“全然的黑暗”時期的。 我已經學會了去做與亞哈斯王和猶大人在黑暗時期所做的絕然相反的事。他們在每個人那裏都尋求指引,卻偏偏不去尋求神。
我必須承認,當我這樣禱告的時候,神的帶領通常不會像我想象的那樣快速到來。神通常不會按照我的時間表操作。但是,經過多年與主的同行之後,我的經驗是,我至少能夠辨別出一件與神的話語相一致的事情,而且這可能是使我更加邁進神的光的一步。我同時相信,在祂所命定的時間裏,他會告訴我第二步要做什麽。 在過去的一周裏,我回想了很多次我曾經做過的事,讓我告訴你,神已經信實地證明,祂就是那位供應者和拯救者。在黑暗之中,我看不見事物,但我卻能看見祂。
我也必須承認,這通常不是我喜歡的事物運作的方式。 我寧願在我行進之前,神能讓我看到一張完整的地圖,圖上標明每一個轉彎之處,以及每一個停止之處。 但是,我幾乎總是覺得耶穌在對我說:“這不是我此時行事的方式。 這才是我要做的事情:我會坐在乘客的座位,在恰當的時候,我會告訴你什麽時候該轉彎。”
神的話語在問每一個人:你是否已經將你的生命交予這個嬰孩管理?只有這樣,你才能明白神超自然的帶領;也只有那時,你才能知道至高神與你同在的真實性;只有這樣,你才能知道祂永遠不會離開你,也不撇棄你;也只有到了那時,你才會意識到,祂所精心策劃的,超過你所求所想,哪怕是在你人生最黑暗的時期。 耶穌,惟有耶穌,是帶來平安的和平之君。
Greg Waybright 博士