My Favorite Bible Verse

My Favorite Bible Verse

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Questions for Reflection

On September 22 we will begin a 10-week series on the book of Acts, titled “This is Us: The Church from Acts to Today.” Small group and devotional curriculum to allow all of us to dive deeper into the Word will be available online and in the Worship Center Lobby that day. To prepare for that series, study Acts 2:42-47.

  1. What did the early believers devote themselves to (vs. 42)? What does devotion look like in these areas? How can you foster devotion also in these areas?
  2. Describe what life “together” looked like for the believers (vs. 44-46)? Consider the quantity of time you have with other Christians as well as the quality. How can you nurture and grow your togetherness with other believers?
  3. What emotions characterized the early church (vs. 43, 46-47)? When have you felt the same with other believers?
  4. What does it look like to “enjoy the favor of all the people” (vs. 47)? Consider the implications for your life in the mean of each of the key words in the phrase. How might this contribute to the number of people being saved?