Moved by Love

Moved by Love

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Read John 3:16-21

  • What does this famous passage say about the love of God?
  • John says in v. 19: “Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light, because their deeds were evil.” Why do people love the darkness instead of light? What’s so deceptive about the darkness?
  • What is our part to play in God’s rescue plan? What does it mean to “believe” (v. 18) and to “live by the truth” (v. 21)?
  • Pastor Jeanine said we can join in God’s rescue plan by Seeking Truth (pursuing gospel truth even in unexpected places) and Telling the Truth (calling each other out when we fall short). In which of these areas do you need to grow?
  • Take a moment to watch the video that Pastor Jeanine showed from Brene Brown on loving others with empathy: Brené Brown on Empathy
    • Share about a time in your life when you felt like the fox in the dark, and someone came to be with you.
    • Think about a time when you acted like the antelope, giving trite words from afar. Why did this fall short of God’s call to sacrificial love?
    • Share about a time when you acted like the bear, coming down to be with someone in need.
    • What gospel truth do we see in this video?