More and More

More and More

Sunday, May 02, 2021

Read Philippians 1:9-11

  • In verse 9, Paul links together love, knowledge, and insight. How are they related to one another?
  • Share some practical examples of what “love without knowledge” and “knowledge without love” look like in the world today. What happens to our witness when we have love without knowledge? What happens to our witness when we have knowledge without love?
  • Paul prays that the Philippians’ love would “abound more and more” (vs. 9). What does this mean? When have you seen this abounding love in action?
  • In vs. 10, Paul prays that we might have moral discernment, that we might “be able to discern what is best.” What kinds of issues or problems do you need help discerning in our world today? What are the practices that help you to discern “what is best” in our nuanced and ever changing world?
  • Paul ends his prayer in vs. 11 with a common phrase—“To the glory and praise of God.” What does it mean to bring glory to God? What is one step you can take to glorify God more this week than you did last week?