“Love Gets Low”

“Love Gets Low”

Sunday, March 07, 2021

Read John 13:1-17

  • When does this story take place in the life of Jesus? Why is the context important?
  • Why does Jesus engage in this practice of foot washing (v. 3-4)? In other words, what enables him to engage in such shocking behavior?
  • What was Simon Peter’s response when Jesus began washing his feet? What do you imagine was going through Peter’s head in this moment? What does Jesus teach Simon Peter in this exchange (vs. 6-11)?
  • What do we learn about God’s love in this encounter? What do we learn about how we are to live through this encounter?
  • Pastor Jeff noted that Jesus gets close to the dirt; he removes himself from a place of power in order to get near the mess. Share about a time when Jesus came near to you in the midst of your mess, your sin, your chaos.
  • Where is God prompting you to “get low,” as Pastor Jeff said? What “mess” do you need to move toward in order to serve God and His people? Perhaps a broken relationship, a service opportunity, a humble role? Where is God inviting you to wash someone else’s feet (v. 14)?