Intimacy - Part 2
Intimacy - Part 2
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Jeff Mattesich
- Matthew 6:5-14
- Life Aligned - Lenten 2020
- 40 mins 3 secs
- Views: 955
Questions for Reflection
Read Matthew 6:5-15, focusing specifically on “Your Kingdom Come” (vs. 10) and “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (vs. 12).
- This week, our sermon focused on the Kingdom of God. What is the Kingdom of God? Choose a few of these passages and discuss what they tell us about the Kingdom of God: Matthew 4:12-17; Matthew 25:31-46; Rev 21:1-8; Matthew 13:31-33; Matthew 25:1-13.
- What is the difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of This World? How do the ethics/ allegiances/ priorities/ actions/ sense of purpose differ in these two Kingdoms?
- What does Jesus mean when he prays to His Heavenly Father, “Your Kingdom come…”? Where have you seen glimpses of the Kingdom of God this week? Where have you seen glimpses of the Kingdom of This World this week? How might God be inviting you to be a glimpse of his Kingdom this week?
- One of the realities of the Kingdom of This World is conflict and the need to forgive. What kinds of conflicts are arising because of this current crisis? What kinds of conflicts are you experiencing in your life right now?
- What does Jesus mean in verses 14-15, when he seems to link our willingness to forgive others with our own forgiveness by God?
- Share briefly about a time when you forgave someone or asked for forgiveness. What did that feel like? What steps do you need to take this week to forgive someone who has hurt you?