Led by the Spirit
Led by the Spirit
Greg Waybright
- Romans 7:21-8:14
- Made New - A Study in Romans
- 37 mins 36 secs
- Views: 1111
Study Notes
Made New: "Led by the Spirit"
Romans 7:21‑‑8:14
"I couldn't help it," he said. "I can resist anything -- except temptation."
This is what Lord Darlington complained of in one of Oscar Wilde's plays. You may know that Wilde was always cynical about those who try to pretend they are always good but don't live up to their own pretensions. I think we can all relate to Lord Darlington, can't we? Temptation in this world is very strong and a great problem for all of us, even for us who go to church.
"I couldn't help it," we say. The shoplifter says it to the police officer. The unfaithful husband says it to his betrayed wife. The disobedient child says it to his/her parents. The person addicted to porn says it when caught.
This human weakness to temptation is not new. It was true in the Bible days as much as it is in our own. And, yes, even people like the Apostle Paul are susceptible to temptation. That brings us to today’s message in our “Made New” series in Romans. The entire section of God’s Word we’re looking at, Romans 5-8, tells us that God is engaged in a mission in our lives and in our world to make everything the way it’s supposed to be. One part of God’s mission is that all who are in Christ will be set free from failure to temptation.
But, it doesn’t happen as quickly or easily as you might hope for. So, here’s the daily question we have as we follow Jesus: How are we to overcome temptation?
In today’s passage running from Romans 7:21-8:14, the Apostle Paul speaks of two ways that human beings might try to gain victory over temptation. One is to make a list of “dos and don’ts” and then to say, “I’m going to do the dos and not do the don’ts!” For Paul’s people group, the people of Israel, they had God’s list of dos and don’ts, what he called “the law”. But, almost all people have some sort of list of things they think are right and wrong. To this attempt to overcome temptation with our own willpower, the Bible says that simply it never works. Why? That’s what we saw in Rom 5-6, i.e., we human beings have a problem, i.e., we keep falling short. We can’t even live up to our own set of dos and don’ts; much less God's.
But, listen to me now: A follower of Jesus is not a person who just is forgiven by God of past sins -- and then left to our own strength to live pure and holy lives in this world. But, our victory is not going to come just by us making a list of rights and wrongs and then pledging to do what’s right! You and I don't have the strength in ourselves to overcome temptation. We all know that’s true... and God knows it too.
So, do I have any hope to offer you today? The answer is yes! When you place your faith in Jesus, God provides a gift that he promises will make a difference in your life, i.e., the gift of the Holy Spirit. That's what I want us to think about as we turn to Romans 7:21‑8:14. Let’s walk through this very personal part of God’s Word. We’ll start where Paul starts in 7:21-25, by revisiting the internal struggle we all face.
- The Struggle Revisited (7:21-25) – In my mind I am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.
I want you to remember back to Pastor Jeff’s message last week in which he spoke powerfully of the struggle with temptation that Paul gave testimony to in 7:14-23. The Apostle Paul’s testimony about his own temptations is so strong that many have tried to say he couldn’t have been speaking about the battles he was facing after becoming a Christian. But, for reasons I don’t have time to innumerate now, I’m convinced this is exactly what he was doing. Let me put into my own words what I hear Paul saying to us in Romans 7:21-25:
- 7:21-23: Even when we are believers, good and evil still are a part of our make-up. – After you come to Christ, you should have an ever-deepening delight in living a godly life -- as well as a profound desire to do so. But, at the same time, old patterns and old ways are still alive inside you too.
- 7:24: This reality of good and evil residing inside us creates inner conflict. – It’s a tension that makes us feel like we’re addicted to sinning even though we declare that Jesus is our true Lord and Master. For the true believer, this inner conflict leads us to long for deliverance. Like Paul, sometimes we wonder whether deliverance is even possible. Paul cried out, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me?” I’m sure we’ve all felt that at times.
- 7:25a: True believers know that God has provided a rescuer, i.e., Jesus Christ. – Paul confessed, “Thanks be to God who delivers me through Jesus.” We must always affirm that to ourselves too. Part of coming to church weekly is that you are to do this very thing, i.e., You should confess your sins to God and then claim his forgiveness. Each week, you should affirm, “Jesus, you are my Savior!”
- 7:25b: True believers honestly admit both 1) our commitment to live for God and 2) our ongoing temptation toward sin. Paul confessed, “I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.”
In my years of teaching from Romans 7, I know this: Some churchgoers find Paul’s language in vv.21-25 a bit difficult to understand. However, at the same time, we know from our own experience of temptation that what he wrote about himself and his struggle is also true of us.
With those things in mind, let’s return to our question of the day: Where will we find victory over temptation? The brings me to the Gift that all of us receive when we give our lives in faith to Jesus.
- The Gift Received (8:1-4) – … in Christ Jesus…”
As we come to Romans 8, we discover it’s not a chapter that tells us that, once we place faith in Jesus, we’ll never again struggle against sin. Instead, it tells us that there is eventual victory to be had in spite of ongoing temptation and sin. Paul says the core of our confidence in eventual victory is that all who place their faith in Jesus are given the gift of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible says that the characteristic of a child of the first Adam is indwelling sin. The characteristic of a child of the second Adam (i.e., Jesus) is the indwelling Holy Spirit. And although one of things the Holy Spirit promises to do in our lives is to give us victory over temptation, that work is still in process. In other words, it will happen –but it takes time. Why am I so sure we will someday find complete victory? Because God's Spirit is greater than our sin. I hold onto that promise even when I struggle and fail. And I want you to do the same.
For those of you who may be unsure of where you stand with God, this would be a good time for you to make sure. Paul’s phrase for being a Christian is “in Christ Jesus” (8:1).
To grasp this, I do not want you to miss another phrase found in 8:3. It says, “God sent his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh.” Jesus was the only person who was not “sinful flesh”. Do you see it? Paul says Jesus came came “in the likeness” of sinful flesh”. So, Jesus is fully human like we are -- except without sin! His was not "sinful flesh" because a sinful person would have to die for his own sins and could not take our place. The flesh of Jesus was sinless. Because of that, Jesus could die, as Paul put it, "as a sin offering (8:3)." God dealt with your sin in the flesh of Jesus. It is amazing but true. Now, you must be "in Christ Jesus" to be right with God. You must ask Jesus to be your savior. Is Jesus your Savior?
When Jesus is your Savior, you also need your pastor to tell you what Paul told his people in Romans 8, i.e., Jesus gave his life for you not only so that you can be forgiven of your past. God wants to do a whole lot more in you than that. The goal of Christ's work on our behalf was to free us from our rotten old lives and make us what we should be. When you trust Jesus as Savior, His Spirit unites with yours and begins God’s work of changing you and “making you new”.
All this is what the Bible means in 8:4 in which we read that Jesus died on the cross? Why? “In order that you no longer have to live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit (8:4). You have the Spirit of God within you who is able to change what you cannot change on your own.
- The Response Required (8:5-14) -- Those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.
The consistent message of the New Testament is that God’s Spirit begins to remake us through transforming our minds. What the Bible means by “mind” is different from what we mean by it. We think of “mind” as simply being our thoughts. But, the word Paul uses for “mind” refers to our entire inner beings, i.e., our thoughts and emotions. “Mind” in the Bible refers to the core of what you think of and long for. Notice again 8:5: Those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.
Here’s the way it is for Christians: Before giving our lives to Jesus by faith, we usually set our hopes and dreams on ourselves: our own pleasures success, and fulfillment. When we set our minds that way, we eventually give in to those cravings we feel when we’re tempted. But that must change when you follow Jesus. One of the surest ways to know that you are genuinely a Christian is that you begin to live life wanting to live for God, longing to please him. As Paul puts it here -- you set your mind on what the Spirit desires.
So, it's not that when you become a Christian, you cease to have temptations. What happens is that what God desires begins to become the core of your longing. It’s like Paul’s testimony in Gal 2:20: “Now that I know Christ, I no longer live for myself but for him who died for me.”
So, practically speaking, what does setting your mind on what the Spirit desires look like?
Start with this: Remind yourself daily of whose you are. -- There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death (8:1-2).
That law of sin and death is, as Rom 6:23 said, “The wages of sin is death.” That’s still true. But, the wages for your sin have been paid by Jesus. You are no longer a slave to the law of sin and death. You have been set free. So, when you continue to fail, you often have this thought run through your mind, “How can I think I’m a Christian. My thoughts are bad. My attitudes are bad. My actions are bad. What a wretched person I am!” Paul says, “Stop. With your mind, remember that there is no condemnation for you for you are in Christ Jesus.”
Continue with this: Count yourself dead to sin. – Put to death the misdeeds of the body… (8:13).
Daily, consciously turn from any sins you are aware of in your life. I recommend starting your day by bringing to mind the temptations you think you might face that day, especially those you know you give into easily. Then, tell God, those things are no longer who you are! Pray, “Lord, in Jesus, I no longer have to be ruled by that. I am yours. Through the power of your Spirit, today, set me free from that way of life.”
I hope that, when you go home, you will read through Romans 8:5-14 more carefully than I am able to speak about it today. I think you’ll see the Bible’s point: When you trust Jesus, he gives you his Spirit who dethrones sin in your life. The Bible tells you no longer have to give in to the things your sinful nature desires. They should no longer the control your life. But, of course, sometimes they try to jump back on the throne of your life, don’t they? With your mind, refuse to accept that the sin to which you are drawn is representative of the real you any longer. You are no longer a slave to sin. You are a child of God!
Don’t misunderstand me: When you sin, you are responsible for what you do. It is you who does it. You should bring it immediately to God to seek forgiveness for it and to turn from it. At the end of the day, take time to pray in light of 1 John 1:8-9: If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Do not forget this: Set you mind on what the Spirit desires. -- Those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires (8:5).
How do you know what the Spirit desires?
1) God’s Word –This is the foundational way to learn about what God desires. If you will be faithful to worshiping in church and we will be faithful to teaching the Bible, you will begin to know the Word better and better. I also encourage you to find a small group in which you study the Bible together. And, of course, I urge you to read the Bible on your own daily. If you need help with any of this, please come to our Pathways Center after the service and we’ll seek to help you. The more you know God’s Word, then more you can compare what you desire with what the Spirit desires as taught in God’s Word. This is central to your walk with God.
2) The Spirit’s Promptings – God’s people have always given witness to the fact that we experience personal tugs from God in a variety of ways. Sometimes, it’s hard to sort out whether a prompting is from God or just your own desire. That means you’ll have to evaluate those inner promptings in the light of God’s Word. I once had a woman tell me that she was being led by God’s Spirit to divorce her husband so that she could marry another woman’s husband. I assured her that this was not the Spirit’s leading. The Spirit always leads in keeping with God’s Word.
One of the things the Spirit does when he prompts you is to convict you of sin when you are feeling temptation. Jesus said that himself in John 16. My experience has been that the better I know God’s Word and walk with the Lord, I learn to discern and trust those promptings.
3) The Fellowship of Your Church – I’ll speak more of this next week. But, let me simply say today that Romans is written to a church, not just to individual Christians. Paul is convinced that all of us who follow Jesus will be faithful parts of a church family – one that teaches, prays, encourages and corrects one another. We all need to be accountable to those who love God and love us. We slip so easily into deception if we do not.
Have you ever seen Chuck Swindoll’s accountability questions for men in his small group?
- Have you been with a woman anywhere this past week that might be seen as compromising?
- Have any of your financial dealings lacked integrity?
- Have you exposed yourself to any sexually explicit material?
- Have you spent adequate time in Bible study and prayer?
- Have you given priority time to your family and close friends?
- Have you fulfilled the mandates of your calling?
- Have you just lied to me?
We all need this kind of accountability and support. Again, if you have not found a smaller group of Jesus-followers with whom to have this kind of fellowship, please contact us. We will help you. It will be an important part of finding victory over temptation in your life.
I imagine that as God looks at this world, he sees most people wanting to live well. Most people don’t want to live duplicitous, destructive, addicted lives. But, God’s Word tells us that he sees two kinds of people: 1) He sees those Paul would call “in flesh” who complain about evil in the world and make lists of what they think is good and what is bad. But, they cannot consistently do even the good things on their own list because they are trying to do life without God. They do not seek Him, His forgiveness, or His ways. The end of it all is hopeless.
But God also sees 2) His children whom Paul calls “in Christ” ‑‑ who still struggle with sin but know it is an offence against God. We long, deeply long, to live in a way that honors him. God has given us His Spirit to change things. God is pleased when we find victory over temptation – and, when we fail, he is pleased when we seek His forgiveness and begin to experience – sometimes all-too-slowly - the victory God alone can give.
God promises you today ultimate victory over temptation because the Holy Spirit is within you and he is greater than your sin. I assure you that someday, when Christ returns, you will be complete. So, until God completes his work in you, I call you to count yourself dead to sin, to set your mind on what the Spirit desires, and to rest in the fact that "there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
Chinese Study Notes
更新: "聖靈引領"
羅馬書 7:21‑‑8:14
- 回顧掙扎 (7:21-25) – 我自己一方面在理性上服從神的法則,另一方面在肉體中卻服從罪的法則
我要你們回想Jeff 牧師上周的信息,他有力地說明了保羅在7:14-23的見證中描述的他面對試探的掙扎。保羅見證了他所遇到的試探是多麼強大,以致許多人認為他不應該在成為基督徒後仍然不斷講這些掙扎。現在我沒有時間羅列,但我確信這就是保羅當時的處境。讓我用自己的話來講保羅在羅馬書7:21-25說了什麼。
- 7:21-23: 就算我們是基督徒,善與惡仍然是我們的組成部分–你來到基督面前,就該有深深的喜樂過敬虔的生活,也有深深的願望這樣行;但同時,舊的習慣和方式仍然在你裡面活著。
- 7:24: 我們裡面內住的善與惡造成了我們內在的衝突– 我們感到分裂–一方面想跟隨耶穌,一方面又感到試探在引誘自己做不對的事。作為真信徒,內在的衝突會使我們渴望救贖。就像保羅,我們有時會懷疑救贖是否可能?保羅呼喊道:“我這個人真是可悲呀!誰能救我脫離這屬於死亡的身體呢?”我確信我們都有這樣的感受。
- 7:25a: 真信徒知道神提供了救贖者耶穌基督– 保羅感恩, “藉著我們的主耶穌基督,感謝歸於神!” 我們自己也一定要常常確認這一點,這也是每週你來教會的一個正確動機,就是每週你都要像保羅那樣確認:“耶穌,你是我的救主!”
- 7:25b: 真信徒坦誠 1) 我們委身向神而活 2) 我們經歷的試探導致罪 保羅承認: “我自己一方面在理性上服從神的法則,另一方面在肉體中卻服從罪的法則。”
- 我們所領受的恩賜 (8:1-4) – “… 在基督耶穌裡…”
- 所需要的回應 (8:5-14) -- 順著聖靈的人,思想屬聖靈的事
從這裡開始:每天提醒自己你是屬誰的 -- 所以現在,那些在基督耶穌裡的人,就不被定罪了,因為聖靈的生命法則,在基督耶穌裡把你從罪和死的法則中釋放了出來 (8:1-2)
繼續這樣做: 自己向罪死 (see 6:11). –治死身體的所作所為 … (8:13).
每一天有意識地在你生命中轉離罪。我建議,從思想可能要面對的種種試探來開始你的一天, 特別是針對那些你容易妥協的試探。然後告訴神,你不再屬於那些事,可以這樣禱告說:“主,在耶穌裡,我不再被那所轄制,我屬你。今天,請藉著聖靈的能力釋放我脫離那種生活方式!”
不要忘記: 思想屬聖靈的事 -- 順著聖靈的人,思想屬聖靈的事(8:5).
- 1) 神的話 –這是瞭解神的心意的基本方法。如果我們忠心來教會敬拜,忠心教導聖經,我們就會越來越好地認識神的話。我也鼓勵你們找到各自的小組一起學習;同時也建議你每天自己讀經。如果你需要幫助,請聯繫Pathway center,我們一定提供協助。你越瞭解神的話,就越能比較自己的意思和聖靈的意思。這是你與神同行的中心。
2) 聖靈的感動 – 神的子民常常以不同的方式見證神個人性帶領自己的經歷;有時不太容易區分是從神而來的感動還是自己的渴望,這意味著你還需要在神話語的亮光中評估內在的感動。一次,有一個女士告訴我,她在聖靈的帶領下與丈夫離婚去嫁給另一個男人;而我確信聖靈沒有這樣帶領。聖靈的帶領與神的話一致。
- 2) 教會團契---下周我會就此更多談論。但今天我簡單說,羅馬書是寫給教會的,不是給基督徒個體。保羅確信,我們每個跟隨耶穌的人都是教會大家庭的一部分---或教導,或禱告,或勸勉。我們需要接受愛神也愛我們的人的監督;負責我們就會輕易被欺騙。
你看過Chuck Swindoll 為他小組的男人們寫的彼此監督的問題嗎?
- 在過往的一周,你有沒有在什麼地方和一個女人一起,看來有傷風化?
- 你的財務狀況有沒有缺乏整體性?
3 你有沒有接觸任何有暴露性行為的東西?
- 你有沒有花足夠的時間讀經禱告?
- 你有沒有給家人、密友最優先的時間?
- 你有沒有對你的呼召忠心?
- 你剛才有沒有對我說謊?
我常想像神怎麼看這個世界,他會看到芸芸眾生都想過得好;大多數人不願充滿欺詐、毀壞、被各種癮捆綁的生活。但從神的話裡我們知道,他可以看見兩種人:1)保羅所說的“肉體中的人”。這類人會抱怨世上的邪惡,把他們認為或對或錯列一個清單;但他們甚至無法持續地行自己清單上的善行,因為他們選擇沒有神的生活,不尋求神,不要神的赦免、神的道路,結果必然是無望。神也會看到第二種人 2) 就是保羅所說的神“在基督裡”的兒女—他們雖也在面對試探時掙扎,但卻長長久久地活在榮耀神的道路上。神賜下他的靈改變萬事。當我們找到勝過試探的方法時,神就悅納;當我們失敗時,我們尋求他的赦免,也必蒙悅納。我們開始新的經驗,雖然有時顯得慢,但神必賜給我們勝過試探的終極勝利。
Small Group Questions
- Read Romans 7.24-25a out loud. How would you identify Paul’s emotions in these two verses? Can you relate to how he’s feeling? How so?
- What does it mean to be “in Christ Jesus” as Paul puts it in Romans 8.1? Why is this idea of being “in Christ” important for us to understand today?
- Paul says in Romans 8.3-4 that Jesus was able to accomplish what the law couldn’t. Why couldn’t the law bring us closer to God? Why is Jesus able to do so?
- What would it look like, practically speaking, to have a “mind governed by the flesh” as we read in Romans 8.6? What about a “mind governed by the Spirit”?
- How can those of us who follow Jesus become more submissive to the Spirit who lives within us? Why does this matter?