Kingdom Citizens

Kingdom Citizens

Sunday, July 31, 2022

If the Beatitudes are the values of God’s Kingdom, then there are behaviors of the Kingdom of God’s citizens. As Kingdom citizens through God's grace and kindness we are invited into citizenship of Heaven which should be our strongest identity out of which we hold both personal benefits and communal responsibilities to one another.

Read Ephesians 2:1-10

  • Verses 1-3 talk about how we are dead in our sins and transgressions. What does Paul say it means to be spiritually dead? 
  • Sin is real; and yet, despite all of that, what did God do for us (vs. 4-6)? Why did he do it (vs. 4-7)? 
  • God gives us access to the kingdom of heaven with a gracious invitation - do you need to seriously consider that invitation and respond in faith to become a child of God today?
  • How might your kingdom citizenship identity need to be strengthened? What "seen" issues (race, class, politics, gender...) distract you from quick obedience to the "unseen" work of reconciliation?
  • We are not just saved from something; we're saved for something. How can you become more aware, available and excited to participate in the good works prepared in advance for you to do? 
  • How might our church better welcome the nations?