God’s Love and Our Troubles

God’s Love and Our Troubles

Sunday, January 13, 2019

2 Corinthians 1:1-11

  1. When was the last time you were in great need of comfort and consolation? When was the last time you provided this kind of comfort to others?
  2. Paul declares that we are to pass along the benefits of any comfort we have received from God to others. Have you ever witnessed or experienced this firsthand?
  3. What does it mean for us to share in Christ’s sufferings and experience Christ’s comfort at the same time? How is this possible?
  4. Paul believes that he was delivered from his hardship in order that he should rely on God and not himself. How are we to respond when we or someone we are close to is not delivered from hardship?
  5. Verse 11 says that gracious favor can be granted in answer to the prayers of many. How might you be led to pray for the comfort of others this week?