In Romans 11:33-36, Paul offers a doxology, using rhetorical questions in order to praise God. What truth is Paul trying to convey with the questions in verses 34 and 35?
When have you experienced God in this way (as a sovereign, all-knowing Provider)?
What does it mean to offer our bodies as a “living sacrifice” (Rom 12:1)?
Paul invites us not to “conform to the pattern of this world” (Rom 12:2). What “patterns” of this world are we tempted to conform to, particularly those that work their way into our lives more subtly (maybe even without us knowing)?
What is stewardship in the Christian life?
In what areas of your life do you struggle to steward well? In other words, in what areas of your life do you function more as OWNER than as STEWARD? Is it with your time? Your Money? Relationships? Is it with Your Kids? Your Home? Your reputation? Your church?
Close your time in prayer, starting with the doxology found in Rom 11:33-36, asking God to transform you from the inside out.