From Darkness to Light

From Darkness to Light

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Mark 8:21-26

  • Read this story through the eyes of the blind man.  What does it feel like to come to someone you don’t know, and can’t see, for a healing?  What is it like to be spit on twice?  What are the emotions you have before, during and after?
  • What in your life would you like healed or made right?  Spend time in prayer asking Jesus for this, and also ask Jesus if there is something you must do, even if it is vulnerable or messy, to participate in the healing.
  • What reason might there be for Jesus not wanting the healing publicized?  What do his disciples still not understand?  How would not understanding hamper their witness? 
  • What might you not understand that would get in the way of you clearly communicating the good news of Jesus?  In what issue regarding God, or God’s people, might you be blind, or seeing blurry?  Pray for insight.
  • Spend the next week trying to see and listen differently.  Take a learning attitude when meeting with people different from you, rather than trying to change them, immediately.