Faithful Endurance

Faithful Endurance

Sunday, February 10, 2019

2 Corinthians 6:3-13

  1. What are some of the challenges Paul has endured (vs. 4, 5, 8)? Imagine how could he have responded to those challenges in a way that would have become a “stumbling block” (vs. 3) to others? What challenges are you living through now? Are you handling them in God honoring way?
  2. What things have remained Paul’s focus during challenges that have helped him stay a faithful servant of God (vs. 6-7)? Which from this list will help you so that your speech, actions and thoughts remain honorable during your own challenging time?
  3. What might be Paul’s secret for the claims he makes in verse 10? Do you know a fellow believer that has had sorrow in their life and yet seems to rejoice? Can you ask them more about that?
  4. What two ways does Paul highlight for how he communicates with the Corinthians (vs. 11)? Have you been that way with others you are in conflict with?
  5. How should we speak to our children (vs. 11-13)? Do you communicate with your family members this way? Do you treat the children or teens in our church family this way?