Introductory Question: Briefly, who first shared the gospel with you? How did you hear about Jesus?
In verses 13-15, Paul talks about the process by which the good news reaches the ears of an unbeliever, through a series of rhetorical questions. What are the steps that must be taken in order for someone to be saved?
What keeps us from sharing the good news of Jesus with the people around us?
The central confession of the church was: “Jesus is Lord” (vs. 9). This was in direct contrast to the Roman Empire’s demand on its people to confess that “Caesar is Lord.” What are the false gods (or idols) that compete for allegiance in our world today? What are the barriers that keep people from following Jesus?
Our Core Value for this week is “Evangelistic Community: We are a community that individually and corporately calls people to follow Jesus.” What difference would it make in our church, in our city, and in our world if we truly lived out this Core Value?
- Where might God be sending you in this next season to share the good news?