East to West
East to West
Mathew P. John
- Matthew 2:1-11
- Epiphany - The Gifts and the Givers
- 37 mins 25 secs
- Views: 579
Questions for Reflection
Read Matthew 2:1-11
The magi were wise men from the East, outsiders to God’s covenant with His people Israel. What is their significance in God’s story, and what does their presence teach us about God and His plan?
What were the different responses to the birth of Jesus in this passage (King Herod, “all Jerusalem,” the Jewish leaders, and the magi)? Why do you imagine each responded the way they did?
Take a moment to contrast the rule of Herod vs. the rule of Jesus. In what ways are they different? Why was Jesus such a threat to Herod? Who/What are the “Herods” of today? How are we called to live in relationship with the “Herods” of this world?
Matthew says that the magi responded to Jesus with worship. What does it mean to “worship” something or someone? What are the different ways we can worship God, and which of these is easiest for you? Which is the most difficult?
Matthew says that the Magi were warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, so they returned to their own country. Instead of staying in Israel, they journeyed home as witnesses to the King. Pastor Mathew said, “It is not about your gold, it is not about your frankincense, it is not about your myrrh. It is not about your gift. The Lord is asking you to become a gift to humanity.” We are called to go, to journey out, to join God in His mission. How is the LORD prompting you to become a gift to humanity this year? In other words, where is God calling you to go, to serve, to share His love?